This plugin bridges the gap between puremourning/vimspector and rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui. It provides useful functions for selecting the existing configuration in .vimspector.json
file and starting the debugging session on nvim-dap-ui
The idea behind this plugin is to provide support for easier migration from Vimspector
to nvim-dap
. While Vimspector
is more mature and has support for persisting debug configurations in .vimspector.json
file, nvim-dap
is more modern, a lot faster, and better supported in Neovim. However, nvim-dap
does not have support for persisting debug configurations in practical JSON files and expects users to always edit some Lua code to setup the debugging session. This plugin let's you re-use your existing .vimspector.json
debugging configurations after migrating to nvim-dap
Add following line to your packer configuration:
use {
requires = {
{ "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", requires = { "mfussenegger/nvim-dap" } },
{ 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }
Plugin will not register any commands nor mappings - it will only provide utility functions that you can use as building block in your plugin or in your mapping.
For example, to map F5
to start debugging your existing vimspector configuration, use
vim.keymap.set( "n", "<F5>", require( 'vimspector-dap' ).runVimspectorConfigOnDap, { silent = true } )
Feel free to investigate other functions and use them for your benefit.
Example with DoDoENT/neovim-additional-tasks
This example will create a new user command that will set new command line parameters to currently active CMake target and will also update local .vimspector.json
file for easier debugging:
local ProjectConfig = require( 'tasks.project_config' )
local cmake_utils = require( 'tasks.cmake_kits_utils' )
local utils = require('tasks.utils')
local vimspector = require( 'vimspector-dap' )
-- runs cmake target with given arguments, but also saves those arguments to
-- .vimspector.json for future use
function SetCMakeRunArgumentsAndRun( args )
local project_config = ProjectConfig:new()
local argsArray = utils.split_args( args )
project_config[ 'cmake_kits' ][ 'args' ][ 'run' ] = argsArray
project_config[ 'cmake_kits' ][ 'args' ][ 'debug' ] = argsArray
local target, executable = cmake_utils.getCurrentTargetAndExePath()
vimspector.updateVimspectorCppConfiguration( target, executable, argsArray )
vim.cmd( [[Task start cmake_kits run]] )
vim.cmd( [[command! -nargs=? CMakeSetParamsAndRun lua SetCMakeRunArgumentsAndRun(<f-args>)]] )
vim.keymap.set( "n", "<leader>cR", [[:CMakeSetParamsAndRun ]] )
-- updates the path to executable in .vimspector.json
-- useful after changing CMake build type or build kit
local function updateVimspectorExe()
local target, executable = cmake_utils.getCurrentTargetAndExePath()
local vimspector = require( 'vimspector-dap' )
vimspector.updateVimspectorCppExecutablePath( target, executable )
vim.notify( 'Update vimspector executable path for target ' .. target .. ' to: ' .. vim.inspect( executable ), vim.log.levels.INFO, { title = 'cmake-tasks' } )
vim.keymap.set( "n", "<leader>cs", updateVimspectorExe )
-- loads program arguments from .vimspector.json into cmake_kits tasks module
local function loadVimspectorArgs()
local project_config = ProjectConfig:new()
local target = project_config[ 'cmake_kits' ].target
if target == nil or target == 'all' then
vim.notify( "Please select a runnable target!", vim.log.levels.ERROR, { title = 'cmake-tasks' } )
local args = vimspector.getVimspectorConfigurationArgs( target )
local cmake_kits_config = project_config[ 'cmake_kits' ]
if not cmake_kits_config.args then
cmake_kits_config.args = {}
end = args
cmake_kits_config.args.debug = args
vim.notify( 'Arguments for target ' .. target .. ' loaded and set to: ' .. vim.inspect( args ), vim.log.levels.INFO, { title = 'cmake-tasks' } )
vim.keymap.set( "n", "<leader>cl", loadVimspectorArgs )