High performant chart rendering on canvas.
- Meant to be fast, reduced CPU and memory usage
- Rendering real time data
- Responsive
- Currently supports line, bar and stacked chart
- Hover callback
const rtChart = new RealTimeChart(document.getElementById('canvas'));
rtChart.addChartData([10, 20, 30]);
rtChart.addChartData({id: 'uniqId', value: 10});
rtChart.addChartData([{id: 'uniqId1', value: 10}, {id: 'uniqId2', value: 20}, {id: 'uniqId3', value: 30}]);
- paddingBottom - extra padding from bottom
paddingBottom: 20, //Number
- paddingRight - extra padding from right
paddingRight: 20, //Number
- legend - legend containing colors, ids and titles
legend: [{
id: 1, //Custom identifier
color: '#846f08',
title: 'Gold',
id: 2,
color: '#2cabe3',
title: 'Revenue',
- showRuler - show the min max and the central value
showRuler: true, //Boolean
- showFrame
showFrame: true, //Boolean
- width - width of the canvas
width: 300, //Number
- height - height of the canvas
height: 300, //Number
- frameColor
frameColor: '#ddd', //RGB(A), HEX
- textColor
textColor: '#313131', //RGB(A), HEX
- minValue - minimum value of the incoming date
minValue: 1, //Number
- maxValue - maximum value of the incoming data
maxValue: 600, //Number
- totalElement - how many elements are going to be seen on the chart
totalElement: 20, //Number
- type - type of the chart
type: 'line|bar|stacked', //Line, Bar or Stacked chart
- onHover - callback for for hover status on the chart, returning the data for the hovered element
onHover: (data) => {}, //Function
- waitWindowLoad - wait settings to be configured only after window load happened
waitWindowLoad: true, //Boolean
- isResponsive - should the canvas resize when window resize
isResponsive: false, //Boolean
- calcMaxValue - calculate the max value according to the input, new max value is increased by 10%. (newMaxValue = inputValue + inputValue * 0.1). Stacked chart is currently not supported.
calcMaxValue: false, //Boolean
More examples are in the examples folder.
npm run build
npm run prettier
- tests
- other type of charts
- more examples
- commenting the code
From v1.6.0 Node is also supported. Add this line to your package.json dependencies. Check the version you would like to use in your package. For available releases click here.
"realtimechart": "git+https://github.com/DoclerLabs/RealTimeChart.git#v1.6.0"
var RealTimeChart = require('realtimechart');
import RealTimeChart from 'realtimechart';
<script src="realtimechart-version.js" ></script>