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Module configuration

Ahmad K. Bawaneh edited this page Nov 7, 2021 · 3 revisions

In addition to the main entry point, each module we create in our application using dominokit gen module command will have an entry point in its frontend module and frontend-ui module, the purpose of the entry points is to configure each module as part of the application, those entry points will mainly register an auto generated configuration like the following :


import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.ModuleConfigurator;
import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.ClientModule;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class ShellClientModule implements EntryPoint {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShellClientModule.class);

    public void onModuleLoad() {"Initializing Shell frontend module ...");
        new ModuleConfigurator().configureModule(new ShellModuleConfiguration());

The @ClientModule annotation works on other classes or package-info, so in case we don't want to use modules entry-points, we still can auto generate the code and manually call it in the main entry-point of the application.

You will hardly need to learn about the generated code but, you can take a look to understand more, mostly it is some calls to internal apis to register and setup things.