BowderNet PiCam is designed to automate the process of recording or watching video from your raspberry pi camera.
Raspberry Pi
- Camera Enabled
- SSH Enabled
- Workstation SSH Key added to authorized keys file (typically /home/pi/.shh/authorized_keys)
- ffmpeg for recording video to file
- ffplay for playing video on screen
- Workstation SSH Key for accessing the raspberry pi autonomously. (typically /home/$USER/.ssh/id_ecdsa)
* If you do not have an SSH key authorized on your raspberry pi, you need to generate one.
* The process is described here:
Start in the local directory of the file. There is some code that depends on being in that directory.
./ [options]
-l [miliseconds] : eg(-l 30000) # Video length will be 30 seconds
-b [bitrate] : eg(-b 1000000) # Video bitrate will be 1Mbps
-i [identity file] : eg(-i /keys/mykey) # Key used for SSH will be /keys/mykey
-p [port number] : eg(-p 9999) # Video will be transported on tcp port 9999
-h [hostname] : eg(-h # Connect to the ip/hostname of
: eg(-h raspberrypi) # Connect to the ip/hostname of raspberrypi
-d [save dir] : eg(-d /home/$USER/Vids/" # Directory to save videos to. (Note the use of
: # a trailing "/" is needed.)
-c : eg(-c) # Continuous mode. Use to restart video recording
: # or viewing, instead of quitting the program.
: #
-w : eg(-w) # Watch mode. (Open stream with ffplay video player)
: #
-r : eg(-r) # Record mode. (Save stream to file. Do not play)