This is a demo about auto ScrollView. It is very simple and you just add several lines to your project if you want to add a Ad ScrollView.
演示.gifTTCollectionView *collection = [[TTCollectionView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 20, kScreenWidth, 200)];
// 这里设置轮播图的自动播放时间间隔
collection.timeInterval = 3.0;
// 这里直接传图片的URL字符串(切记是字符串), 要不你还要改里面的图片赋值语句
collection.imagesArr = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"此处是图片字符串的数组", nil];
[self.view addSubview:collection];
// 此属性一定要在collectionView添加到俯视图之后再设置, 这里是图片的数量
collection.imagesCount = 5;
// 设置代理(主要用来解决点击图片的事件)
collection.collectionViewDelegate = self;
#pragma mark - 这里实现cell的点击事件(根据index(也就是indexPath.item))
- (void)cellClickWithIndex:(NSInteger)index {
NSLog(@"%ld", index);