Web-based effort reporting tool for GCB informatics.
Uses AngularJS, nvd3, and GitHub to commit reports to GitHub in CSV format.
- Register a GitHub OAuth application at https://github.com/settings/applications/new
- Set the callback URL to something you can host locally (e.g.
) - Create a new repository on GitHub to house the reports. Can be public: https://github.com/new
- Edit app.js to set this.owner and this.repo on lines 670-671 to your new repo.
- This is the repo where prospatheia will write its reports, so do not commit this change to the production app
- Run the server locally, providing your GitHub client ID and secret as the environment variables:
$ GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=your-client-id \
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=your-client-secret \
SECRET_KEY=arbitrary-secret-you-create \
python app.py 8080
- Visit http://localhost:8080. Make/verify changes. Commit and pull-request, but make sure to remove the overrides to owner/repo