Client-side helper library for Telerik KendoUI + Progress JSDO applications.
Apache Ant 1.9.x+ (Building)
jQuery 1.12.x (Runtime)
KendoUI 2017.1+ (Runtime)
Progress JSDO 4.3+ (Runtime)
Bootstrap 3.3.x (Optional)
FontAwesome 4.3.x (Optional)
Presense of a /vendor/ folder within your static application directory.
This library should be renamed and included within your application's /vendor/ directory as /vendor/spark/ just like any other third-party bundle such as KendoUI and jQuery. To use the library simply include /vendor/spark/lib/spark.min.js (based on the recommended directory structure) within your application HTML document(s). Once included in your application, the library will be available as a global object "spark" and accessible via your browser's development console (eg. Chrome DevTools, Firebug for Firefox, etc.) for interrogation of available methods and properties. Additionally, there is a /lib/plugins.js file that provides for extended features in the Progress JSDO. To make use of features like the ability to pass a Kendo criteria object as-is from grids and datasources, this would be highly recommended.
This library should be ready to use as-is. However, if modifications are needed they can be made within the /src/ directory. To prepare for actual usage, run "ant compile" from within the /src/ directory to create a new minified version of the /lib/spark.min.js file.
To utilize JSDoc to create documentation from the resulting output, be sure that you first have JSDoc3 installed. This can be done easily via Node.js with the command "npm install jsdoc". The proper task for Ant will already be present in the build script found in /src/, and available to execute by running "ant document" from that directory. To utilize the JSDoc binary properly within Ant, you must adjust the Ant property called "jsdoc.home" to point to your global NPM modules directory. This is typically located at "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\npm" on Windows7 and later.