Kostco Connect is a web application inspired by my time working at a warehouse and seeing the need for an increase in productivity. It gives warehouse stockers and forklift drivers the ability to communicate to eachother in an efficient and time saving manner. Drivers can create tickets that forklift drivers then can see. Drivers then can mark the tickets as complete so the stocker can start their work. Both parties can communicate through live chat nested inside a ticket. All this is done inside the app increasing productiviy for both parties.
Kostco Connect allows users to:
- create an account
- log into an existing account
- log out of an account
- create/edit/delete and view departments
- create/edit/delete and view tickets inside of departments
- LIVE chat for each ticket
- able to search for specific tickets
Users can select a 'role' on signup:
- drivers can mark tickets complete
- stockers can add/edit/delete their own tickets
- admins can add/edit/delete departments
The back end was built with Flask, and it utilizes a PostgreSQL database.
The front end was built with React and Redux.
Kostco Connect uses:
- JavaScript
- Python
- React
- WebSockets