React dashboard layout solution created using AntD and permission based navigation. Supports theming with Less, parameterized routes and private routing. Contains useful components for dashboard application.
- React v16.13.1 or newer
- Ant Design v4.2.3 or newer
- React Router DOM v5.1.2 or newer (if using BasicLayout component)
Core component of layout. Includes side menu, header with configurable application name, configurable header elements, configurable header dropdown menu, and main area for page content.
Header - Component for displaying headers, with title on left and other components (native support for buttons via separate buttons prop) on right.
TooltipButton - Simple component for displaying small circle buttons with tooltip text.
Datatable - Custom version of Antd Table with premade sorters for numbers and strings, and filters for strings, numbers (supports comparison operators >,<,>=,<=), selection and multiple selection. More features (date sorting and filtering, server side pagination, easy actions) coming soon.
withModal HOC - HOC for wrapping Antd Modal component with properties needed for controlling visibility of modal. Offers showDialog/closeDialog methods with possibility to pass data through method parameter.
FormModal - Modal component created using withModal HOC. Offers showDialog/closeDialog. Offers automatic form validation. Form items are supplied to component as children.
npm install react-antd-dashboard
You can see demo application with examples here