Semantically Augmented Table Search
Input: Set of tables & and a KG
Take tables and output an index that has <tableId, rowId, cellId, uriToEntity>
Take input a set of entity tuples:
<Entity1, Entity2> <Entity3, Entity4>
Return a set of ranked tables T1, T2, T3 --> ranked based on relevance score
The reference KG is DBpedia.
Enter the
directory and download the files with the command./ dbpedia_files.txt
Load the data into a database. In this case Neo4j
Take a look at: for more details on setting up Neo4J
Generate RDF embeddings by following the steps in the README in the DBpediaEmbedding repository.
Create a folder embeddings
in data
. Move the embeddings file vectors.txt
into the data/embeddings
Enter the
directory and download the Milvus Docker Compose file and its configuration filewget -O docker-compose.yml wget
Start Milvus in a tmux session
sudo docker-compose up -d sudo docker compose up
Check Milvus is running with
docker-compose ps
. You should now see the following outputName Command State Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- milvus-etcd etcd -listen-peer-urls=htt ... Up (healthy) 2379/tcp, 2380/tcp milvus-minio /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint ... Up (healthy) 9000/tcp milvus-standalone /tini -- milvus run standalone Up>19530/tcp,:::19530->19530/tcp
Milvus is now accessible on port 19530. Enter the project root directory and load embeddings into a Milvus instance, which also requires using SQLite
docker run -v $(pwd)/Thetis:/src -v $(pwd)/data:/data --network="host" -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash maven:3.8.4-openjdk-17 cd /src mvn package java -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar embedding -f /data/embeddings/vectors.txt -o /data/embeddings -h localhost -p 19530 -dim 200 -db milvus
Add the option
to skip pre-parsing the embeddings file before insertion.
Enter the project root directory. Start parsing and inserting embeddings into an SQLite instance
docker run -v $(pwd)/Thetis:/src -v $(pwd)/data:/data --network="host" -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash maven:3.8.4-openjdk-17
cd /src
mvn package
java -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar embedding -f /data/embeddings/vectors.txt -o /data/embeddings -db sqlite -dbn embeddings
Add the option -dp
or --disable-parsing
to skip pre-parsing the embeddings file before insertion.
Enter the project root directory. Pull the Postgress image and setup a database
docker pull postgres
docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=<USERNAME> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> -e POSTGRES_DB=embeddings --name db -d postgres
Choose a username and password and substitute <USERNAME>
with them.
Extract the IP address of the Postgress container
docker exec -it db hostname -I
Remember the IP address for later.
With the command docker exec -it db psql -U thetis embeddings
, you can connect to the embeddings
database and modify and query it as you like.
Now, exit the Docker interactive mode and start inserting embeddings into Postgres
docker run -v $(pwd)/Thetis:/src -v $(pwd)/data:/data --network="host" -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash maven:3.8.4-openjdk-17
cd /src
mvn package
java -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar embedding -f /data/embeddings/vectors.txt -db postgres -h <POSTGRES IP> -p 5432 -dbn embeddings -u <USERNAME> -pw <PASSWORD>
Insert the IP address from the previous step instead of <POSTGRES IP>
Add the option -dp
or --disable-parsing
to skip pre-parsing the embeddings file before insertion.
The Table datasets consist of:
- WikiTables Tables taken from Wikipedia pages
- WikiPages Tables taken from Wikipedia pages with multiple tables in them. This dataset is a subset of the WikiTables dataset
- GitTables maybe TODO?
The WikiTables corpus originates from the TabEL paper
Bhagavatula, C. S., Noraset, T., & Downey, D. (2015, October). TabEL: entity linking in web tables. In International Semantic Web Conference (pp. 425-441). Springer, Cham.
We use the WikiTables corpus as provided in the STR paper (this is the same corpus as described in TabEL paper but with different filenames so we can appropriately compare our method to STR)
Zhang, S., & Balog, K. (2018, April). Ad hoc table retrieval using semantic similarity. In Proceedings of the 2018 world wide web conference (pp. 1553-1562).
Download the raw corpus and unzip it
mkdir -p data/tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_raw/ wget -P data/tables/wikitables unzip data/tables/wikitables/ -d data/tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_raw/ mv data/tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_raw/tables_redi2_1/* data/tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_raw/ rm -rf data/tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_raw/tables_redi2_1/
Run preprocessing script for extracting tables
# Create and install dependencies in a python virtual environment python3 -m venv .virtualenv source .virtualenv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt cd data/tables/wikitables # Create one json file for each table in the wikitables_raw/ directory python --input_dir_raw files/wikitables_raw/ --output_dir_clean files/wikitables_one_json_per_table/ # Parse each json file in wikitables_one_json_per_table/ and extract the appropriate json format for each table in the dataset # Notice that we also remove tables with less than 10 rows and/or 2 columns python --input_dir files/wikitables_one_json_per_table/ --output files/wikitables_parsed/ --min-rows 10 --max-rows 0 --min-cols 2
Run preprocessing script for indexing. Notice that we first create a docker container and then run all commands within it
docker run -v $(pwd)/Thetis:/src -v $(pwd)/data:/data --network="host" -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash maven:3.8.4-openjdk-17 cd /src mvn package # From inside Docker java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar index --table-type wikitables --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ --output-dir /data/index/wikitables/ -t 4 -pv 15 -bf 0.2 -bc 20
is number of permutation vectors for Locality-Sensitive Index (LSH) index of entity types and this number also defines the number of projections in the vector/embedding LSH index.-bf
is the size of LSH bands defined as the fraction of the signature size of each entity.-bc
is the number of bucket in the LSH indexes. -
Materialize table to entity edges in the Graph
Running the indexing in step 3 will generate the
which contains the mappings of each entity as well as thetableIDToTypes.ttl
file. Copy these two files to thedata/kg/dbpedia/files_wikitables/
directory using:mkdir -p data/kg/dbpedia/files_wikitables/ cp data/index/wikitables/tableIDToEntities.ttl data/index/wikitables/tableIDToTypes.ttl data/kg/dbpedia/files_wikitables/
We update the neo4j database by introducing table nodes which are connected to all the entities found in them. To perform this run the
script found in thedata/kg/dbpedia/
The STR paper is evaluated over 50 keyword queries and for each query a set of tables were labeled as highly-relevant, relevant and not relevant. Our method is using tuples of entities as query input. For each keyword query in the STR paper we extract a table labeled as highly-relevant that has the largest horizontal mapping of entities (i.e., the table for which the can identify the largest tuple of entities). We can construct the query tuples for each of the 50 keyword queries with the following commands:
cd data/queries/www18_wikitables/
python --relevance_queries_path qrels.txt \
--min_rows 10 --min_cols 2 --index_dir ../../index/wikitables/ \
--data_dir ../../tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ \
--q_output_dir queries/ --tuples_per_query all \
--filtered_tables_output_dir ../../tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_per_query/ \
--embeddings_path ../../embeddings/embeddings.json
Notice that we skip labeled tables that have less than 10 rows and/or less than 2 columns so there will be less than 50 queries after the filtering process.
Also note that the following command will generate a new tables directories at /tables/wikitables/files/wikitables_per_query/
, one for each query which is used to specify the set of tables the search module will look through.
In this section we describe how to run our algorithms once all the tables have been indexed.
Run Column-Types Similarity Baseline and Embedding Baseline over all queries in www18_wikitables/queries/
For all baselines each query entity is mapped to a single column.
# Inside docker run the following script
Run PPR over all queries in www18_wikitables/queries/
The WikiPages dataset is a subset of the WikiTables dataset. The WikiPages dataset is constructed by selecting tables from Wikipedia pages that have multiple tables in them.
To populate the WikiPages dataset first make sure you finished running all steps outlined for the WikiTables dataset
cd data/tables/wikipages/
# Extract all the wikipedia pages from the WikiTables dataset and identify the tables in each page
python --input_tables_dir ../wikitables/files/wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ \
--table_id_to_entities_path ../../index/wikitables/tableIDToEntities.ttl
# Extract the wikipedia pages to use to create the dataset
python --min_num_entities_per_table 10 --min_num_tables_per_page 10 --max_num_tables_per_page 40 \
--wikitables_dir ../wikitables/files/wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ --output_dir wikipages_dataset/
# Construct the expanded wikipages dataset
python --min_num_entities_per_table 10 --min_num_tables_per_page 1 --max_num_tables_per_page 40 \
--wikitables_dir ../wikitables/files/wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ --output_dir expanded_dataset/
The queries for the WikiPages dataset are generated in a similar fashion as for the Wikitables dataset. From each selected Wikipedia page we choose the table with the largest horizontal mapping of entities
cd /data/queries/wikipages/
# Generate the queries for the wikipages dataset
python --wikipages_df ../../tables/wikipages/wikipages_df.pickle \
--tables_dir ../../tables/wikipages/tables/ --q_output_dir queries/ \
--wikilink_to_entity ../../index/wikitables/wikipediaLinkToEntity.json --tuples_per_query all
# Generate the queries for the expanded wikipages dataset
python --wikipages_df ../../tables/wikipages/wikipages_expanded_dataset/wikipages_df.pickle \
--tables_dir ../../tables/wikipages/wikipages_expanded_dataset/tables/ \
--q_output_dir queries/expanded_wikipages/minTupleWidth_all_tuplesPerQuery_all/ \
--wikilink_to_entity ../../index/wikipages_expanded/wikipediaLinkToEntity.json \
--output_query_df query_dataframes/expanded_wikipages/minTupleWidth_all_tuplesPerQuery_all.pickle
The following commands should be run inside docker
# Construct the Index for the wikipages dataset
java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar index --table-type wikitables --table-dir /data/tables/wikipages/wikipages_dataset/tables/ --output-dir /data/index/wikipages/ -t 4
# Construct the index for the expanded wikipages dataset
java -Xmx25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar index --table-type wikitables --table-dir /data/tables/wikipages/wikipages_expanded_dataset/tables/ --output-dir /data/index/wikipages_expanded/ -t 4
Small Dataset Baseline (Single Column per Query Entity using pre-trained embeddings)
java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search --search-mode analogous --hashmap-dir ../data/index/small_test/ --query-file ../data/queries/test_queries/query_small_test.json --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/small_test/ --output-dir /data/search/small_test/single_column_per_entity/ --singleColumnPerQueryEntity --usePretrainedEmbeddings
Full Dataset Baseline (Single Column per Query Entity)
java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search --search-mode analogous --hashmap-dir ../data/index/www18_wikitables/ --query-file ../data/queries/www18_wikitables/queries/q_9.json --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/files/www18_wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ --output-dir /data/search/www18_wikitables/full_index/naive/q_9 --singleColumnPerQueryEntity
Full Dataset PPR
java -Xmx25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search --search-mode ppr --query-file ../data/queries/www18_wikitables/queries/q_15.json --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/files/www18_wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ --output-dir /data/search/www18_wikitables/ppr/q_15/ --minThreshold 0.002 --numParticles 300 --topK 200
Testing commands (TODO: Delete for final version)
java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search --search-mode analogous --hashmap-dir ../data/index/www18_wikitables_test/ --query-file ../data/queries/www18_wikitables/queries/q_9.json --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/files/www18_wikitables_parsed_test/tables_10_MAX/ --output-dir /data/search/www18_wikitables_test/single_column_per_entity/ --singleColumnPerQueryEntity --usePretrainedEmbeddings
java -Xmx25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search --search-mode ppr --hashmap-dir ../data/index/www18_wikitables/ --query-file ../data/queries/www18_wikitables/queries/q_9.json --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/files/www18_wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ --output-dir /data/search/www18_wikitables_test/ppr_weighted/ --weightedPPR --minThreshold 0.005 --numParticles 300 --topK 200
java -Xmx25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search --search-mode ppr --hashmap-dir ../data/index/wikitables_small_test/ --query-file ../data/queries/test_queries/query_small_test.json --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/small_test/ --output-dir /data/search/small_test/ppr_unweighted_single_q_tuple/ --pprSingleRequestForAllQueryTuples --weightedPPR --minThreshold 0.01 --numParticles 200 --topK 200
java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search --search-mode ppr --hashmap-dir ../data/index/www18_wikitables/ --query-file ../data/queries/www18_wikitables/wikipage_tables_analysis/queries/query.json --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/files/www18_wikitables_parsed/tables_10_MAX/ --output-dir /data/search/wikipage_tables_analysis/ --minThreshold 0.005 --numParticles 300 --topK 200
- Perform Search using the Web Interface (TODO: Maybe remove this since we don't use it?)
To test the interface on your local computer (i.e. LOCALHOST) we first need to create an ssh tunnel between the server and your current machine. SparkJava uses port 4567 by default. To create the ssh tunnel run the following command:
ssh -L 4567:localhost:4567 [email protected]
Then we can initialize the SparkJava web service
To return results based on PPR run
java -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar web --mode ppr --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/files/tables_50_MAX/ --output-dir /data/index/wikitables/
To return results using the baseline run
java -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar web --mode analogous --table-dir /data/tables/wikitables/small_test/ --output-dir /data/index/small_test/
Then once the server is running simply visit http://localhost:4567/ in your browser and the web interface should show up where you can input your queries.
Cutrona, V., Bianchi, F., Jimenez-Ruiz, E. and Palmonari, M. (2020). Tough Tables: Carefully Evaluating Entity Linking for Tabular Data. ISWC 2020, LNCS 12507, pp. 1–16.
- Download from Zenodo URL
mkdir -P data/tables/2t
wget -P data/tables/2t -O
unzip data/tables/2t/
rm data/tables/2t/
mv data/tables/2t/2T/tables data/tables/2t/files
rm -v data/tables/2t/files/*Noise*
mv data/tables/2t/2T/tables
- Run preprocessing script for indexing
Detach a container (i.e., container still exists after execution and can be connected to again in the future):
and thenCtrl
Attach to existing container (e.g., after detaching from a container use the following command to connect to it again):
docker attach [container_name]
Count the number of edges for node
bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p 'admin' "MATCH (a:Resource) WHERE a.uri in [''] RETURN"
Compile project in maven without running the tests:
mvn package -DskipTests