iOS app created by using UIKit (No Storyboard) and RickAndMorty GraphQL API.
- Apollo GraphQL
- RickAndMorty API
- MVVM + Coordinators
- Combine
- Diffable Data Source
- Compositional Layout
- Pagination
- Skeleton Animation
- Quick and Nimble for testing
- SnapKit for Auto-Layout
- SDWebImage for Async image downloading
- SwiftLint for linting
- User can see a list of all characters and their detailed info.
- User can filter characters by Status (Alive | Dead | Unknown)
- User can filter characters by Gender (Male | Female | Genderless | Unknown)
- User can see a list of all locations in the show.
- User can see a list of all the espisodes of the show.
- User can search any character by name.
- User can search any location by name and type.
- Every list is paginated.
- Dark/ Light theme support.
- Support skeleton for elegent loading animation.