Eaternity Website
#Design Great Design thanks to Tellsoehne
bundle exec jekyll serve
or with TinaCMS
npx tinacms dev -c "bundle exec jekyll serve"
In any _posts/DOCUMENT there are certain variables that get defined, some of them are necessary that the blog-posts gets published. Other just provide additional information:
layout: blog-post (necessary!)
category: blog (necessary!)
published: true (necessary - to tell the system to publish the page)
author: Manuel Klarmann (necessary!)
blog-image: 2014-07-01-Eaternity-zieht-die-Karotte.jpg (necessary - used on the frontpage and on top of articles)
title: The title of the blog post (necessary!)
subtitle: This is the sub-title of the blog post (currently not used)
- This is a short text to preview the article ... (currently not used)
image: 2014-07-01-Eaternity-zieht-die-Karotte/erfolg.jpg (currently not used)
circa: (currently not used)
media: (currently not used)
slides: (currently not used)
partner: (currently not used)
- News
- Company
- Culture
- Eaternity Software
- Press Release
- Milestone
- Case Study / Success Story
- etc
Images need to be saved in the assets/images/blog folder.
The text format for the blogposts follows the markdown format and is described at jekyllrb and Markdown.