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Default CSS generated with variables, allowing users to modify player appearance and functionality using CSS variables.

This is based on compiled SCSS code from

The latest release in this repo adopts the version number of the code available in the repository.


10/02/2021 - 3.6.4

CDN Sources

The compiled CSS is available using the following CDN sources. These will always be the latest version published in this repo. See revisions above.

Visual Studio 2019

The project can be opened and modified as a web site project - See solution file. Requires Web Essentials 2019 extension in VS2019 in order to compile scss/sass code - see

Usage Example

Set for all players - CSS selector targets :root

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
:root {
  --plyr-color-main: #d62a14;
  --plyr-font-size-captions-large: 21px;
  --plyr-control-radius: 50%; }

Set for a specific class of player

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
.sample_player {
  --plyr-color-main: #d62a14;
  --plyr-font-size-captions-large: 21px;
  --plyr-control-radius: 50%; }

Set to individual player

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<video class="player" style="--plyr-color-main: #d62a14; --plyr-font-size-captions-large: 21px; --plyr-control-radius: 50%;">

Customizing the CSS

If you want to change any design tokens used for the rendering of the player, you can do so using CSS Custom Properties.

Here's a list of the properties and what they are used for:

Name Description Default / Fallback
--plyr-color-main The primary UI color. #f03c15 #00b3ff
--plyr-video-background The background color of video and poster wrappers for using alpha channel videos and poster images. rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)
--plyr-tab-focus-color The color used for the dotted outline when an element is :focus-visible (equivalent) keyboard focus. --plyr-color-main
--plyr-badge-background The background color for badges in the menu. #4a5464 #4a5464
--plyr-badge-text-color The text color for badges. #ffffff #ffffff
--plyr-badge-border-radius The border radius used for badges. 2px
--plyr-tab-focus-color The color used to highlight tab (keyboard) focus. --plyr-color-main
--plyr-captions-background The color for the background of captions. rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
--plyr-captions-text-color The color used for the captions text. #ffffff #ffffff
--plyr-control-icon-size The size of the icons used in the controls. 18px
--plyr-control-spacing The space between controls (sometimes used in a multiple - e.g. 10px / 2 = 5px). 10px
--plyr-control-padding The padding inside controls. --plyr-control-spacing * 0.7 (7px)
--plyr-control-radius The border radius used on controls. 3px
--plyr-control-toggle-checked-background The background color used for checked menu items. --plyr-color-main
--plyr-video-controls-background The background for the video controls. linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75))
--plyr-video-control-color The text/icon color for video controls. #ffffff #ffffff
--plyr-video-control-color-hover The text/icon color used when video controls are :hover, :focus and :focus-visible (equivalent). #ffffff #ffffff
--plyr-video-control-background-hover The background color used when video controls are :hover, :focus and :focus-visible (equivalent). --plyr-color-main
--plyr-audio-controls-background The background for the audio controls. #ffffff #ffffff
--plyr-audio-control-color The text/icon color for audio controls. #4a5464 #4a5464
--plyr-audio-control-color-hover The text/icon color used when audio controls are :hover, :focus and :focus-visible (equivalent). #ffffff #ffffff
--plyr-audio-control-background-hover The background color used when video controls are :hover, :focus and :focus-visible (equivalent). --plyr-color-main
--plyr-menu-background The background color for menus. rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)
--plyr-menu-color The text/icon color for menu items. #4a5464 #4a5464
--plyr-menu-shadow The shadow used on menus. 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)
--plyr-menu-radius The border radius on the menu. 4px
--plyr-menu-arrow-size The size of the arrow on the bottom of the menu. 6px
--plyr-menu-item-arrow-color The color of the arrows in the menu. #728197 #728197
--plyr-menu-item-arrow-size The size of the arrows in the menu. 4px
--plyr-menu-border-color The border color for the bottom of the back button in the top of the sub menu pages. #dcdfe5 #dcdfe5
--plyr-menu-border-shadow-color The shadow below the border of the back button in the top of the sub menu pages. #ffffff #ffffff
--plyr-progress-loading-size The size of the stripes in the loading state in the scrubber. 25px
--plyr-progress-loading-background The background color on the loading state in the scrubber. rgba(35, 40, 47, 0.6)
--plyr-video-progress-buffered-background The fill color for the buffer indication in the scrubber for video. rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)
--plyr-audio-progress-buffered-background The fill color for the buffer indication in the scrubber for audio. rgba(193, 200, 209, 0.6)
--plyr-range-thumb-height The height of the scrubber handle/thumb. 13px
--plyr-range-thumb-background The background of the scrubber handle/thumb. #ffffff #ffffff
--plyr-range-thumb-shadow The shadow of the scrubber handle/thumb. 0 1px 1px rgba(215, 26, 18, 0.15), 0 0 0 1px rgba(215, 26, 18, 0.2)
--plyr-range-thumb-active-shadow-width The width of the shadow when the scrubber handle/thumb is :active (pressed). 3px
--plyr-range-track-height The height of the scrubber/progress track. 5px
--plyr-range-fill-background The fill color of the scrubber/progress. --plyr-color-main
--plyr-video-range-track-background The background of the scrubber/progress. --plyr-video-progress-buffered-background
--plyr-video-range-thumb-active-shadow-color The color of the shadow when the video scrubber handle/thumb is :active (pressed). rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
--plyr-audio-range-track-background The background of the scrubber/progress. --plyr-video-progress-buffered-background
--plyr-audio-range-thumb-active-shadow-color The color of the shadow when the audio scrubber handle/thumb is :active (pressed). rgba(215, 26, 18, 0.1)
--plyr-tooltip-background The background color for tooltips. rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)
--plyr-tooltip-color The text color for tooltips. #4a5464 #4a5464
--plyr-tooltip-padding The padding for tooltips. calc(var(--plyr-control-spacing) / 2))
--plyr-tooltip-arrow-size The size of the arrow under tooltips. 4px
--plyr-tooltip-radius The border radius on tooltips. 3px
--plyr-tooltip-shadow The shadow on tooltips. 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)
--plyr-font-family The font family used in the player.
--plyr-font-size-base The base font size. Mainly used for captions. 15px
--plyr-font-size-small The smaller font size. Mainly used for captions. 13px
--plyr-font-size-large The larger font size. Mainly used for captions. 18px
--plyr-font-size-xlarge The even larger font size. Mainly used for captions. 21px
--plyr-font-size-time The font size for the time. --plyr-font-size-small
--plyr-font-size-menu The font size used in the menu. --plyr-font-size-small
--plyr-font-size-badge The font size used for badges. 9px
--plyr-font-weight-regular The regular font weight. 400
--plyr-font-weight-bold The bold font weight. 600
--plyr-line-height The line height used within the player. 1.7
--plyr-font-smoothing Whether to enable font antialiasing within the player. false


Hosted CSS using variables for the plugin






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