If we can land a spaceship on the moon with precision accuracy then we should be able to count votes with precision accuracy.
Here is list of open source voting systems and related ideas/materials that I have been gathering over the years. This probably should be in Wikipedia at some point. PRs welcome and anyone interested in helping review and merge!
- Open Voting Consortium http://www.openvotingconsortium.org/
- OSET Institute (Open Source Election Technology) http://www.osetfoundation.org/ https://trustthevote.org/
- California Association of Voting Officials http://www.cavo-us.org/
City and County of San Francisco (CCSF) http://sfgov.org/elections/request-information-rfi-new-voting-system
RFI http://sfgov.org/elections/ftp/uploadedfiles/elections/rfi/RFI_VotingSystem.pdf
Notable responses:
- CAVO (California Association of Voting Officials) http://sfgov.org/elections/ftp/uploadedfiles/elections/rfi/20150820_CAVO.pdf
- OSET Institute (Open Source Election Technology) http://sfgov.org/elections/ftp/uploadedfiles/elections/rfi/20150828_OSET.pdf
- Alan Dechert http://sfgov.org/elections/ftp/uploadedfiles/elections/rfi/20150828_Dechert.pdf (fantastic read)
CHVote - Swiss/Switzerland E-voting system > https://republique-et-canton-de-geneve.github.io/chvote-1-0/index-en.html
Hacker News discussion > https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13175388
http://ncase.me/ballot (prototypes/simulations)
http://zesty.ca/pubs/yee-phd.pdf (basis for Open Voting Consortium)
- Alan Dechert
- Nicky Case
- Ka-Ping Yee