This is my repository for my COP-1000 course at Lake-Sumter State College for my Computer Science Associates.
I have been learning programming on and off since 2014 starting with learning how to make small games using LÖVE, and then after that trying to learn other languages but never stuck to a single one itself, so I do not know a language per say, how ever I do understand a few of them and also have the concepts of them down. This course uses Python, a language that I am very interested in and honestly really excited to learn using Starting Out with Python 4th Edition.
I used a lot of sources outside of the Starting Out with Python 4th Edition text-book. Notebly the Official Python Discord, Stack-Overflow, and Various sources on Reddit such as /r/Python/, /r/learnprogramming/, and /r/learnpython/. And also the Python 3 Documentation.
There is obviously a huge part of these lessons that were done in the MyProgrammingLab website itself. Personally I did not feel the need to completely compile the work I did for the small files as a lot of them simply would just raise errors or warnings and annoy me visually in Visual Studio Code, I am sure people understand that inconvienence of seeing yellow or red lines.