You can find the zip + vim installation playbook in books directory :) I have made it the most efficient I could :) I updated it to the last ansible version (Loops updated to best practices)
I have created the "common" Role that can be found in the Roles directory.
I have wrote the server.yml that runs the "common" role inside its folder.
I have added an extra inventory file in the hosts folder + Used variables in the original hosts file
I have encrypted the private.pem file :) allowing me to make this repo public and stay secured :)
I have added to the ansible configuration file the "Host key checking=false" So I wont have to write "yes" each time I connect to a server.
You can find the role that deploys "hello world" into the remote machines under the role "hello world"
Inside the books folder you can find the docker-ce install I work with to deploy docker