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Releases: EnlighterJS/Plugin.WordPress

Gutenberg Inline Editing

18 Oct 17:30
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  • Added: Gutenberg inline highlighting support (RichText format)
  • Added: border around Enlighter Gutenberg codeblock (default theme)
  • Added: resource urls of the theme-customizer and DRI are resolved by ResourceManager::getResourceUrl to allow optional filtering via enlighter_resource_url
  • Added: support for Jetpack markdown (codeblocks will be excluded from jetpack gfm processing)
  • Added: multiversion travis-ci lint checks
  • Changed: trailing slash from global constant ENLIGHTER_PLUGIN_URL has been removed
  • Changed: wp-skeleton updated to v0.27.0
  • Changed: WordPress readme.txt is generated by wp-skeleton to avoid format issues (merged readme+changelog)
  • Changed: updated Gutenberg plugin to v1.1.0
  • Changed: removed contextual help content if favor of the official documentation
  • Bugfix: double slashes are used in the paths of DRI and theme customizer resources
  • Bugfix: escape sequence were transformed into their characters in recent Gutenberg releases
  • Bugfix: a comma caused the plugin/wordpress to crash in legacy php 7.2 (lint checks of php 7.3 worked without any issues)


03 Aug 20:33
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  • Bugfix: due to changes in the initialization code in 4.3.0 the global config couldn't be retrieved by the editing plugins

New DRI Implementation, Enhancements

02 Aug 19:58
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  • Added: EnlighterJS v3.4.0
  • Added: EnlighterJS Theme-Customizer v2.3.0
  • Added: compatibility for async/defer script loading (configuration code is merged with the library) (optional)- feature requested on Forums
  • Added: javascript based dynamic-resource-invocation to load the EnlighterJS assets dynamically when needed (client side)
  • Added: dri compatibility for bbpress and dynamic content (jquery load, jetpack infinity scroll)
  • Added: keyword k11 for annotations
  • Added: keyword x16 for css element selectors
  • Added: contextual keywords to csharp - thanks to mabako on GitHub
  • Added: kotlin string template support
  • Added: r language support (covered by generic ruleset)
  • Added: MikroTik RouterOS language support (ros/mikrotik/switchos/routeros/mt)
  • Added: pound style comment support to php
  • Changed: renamed the "raw code" language label to "Plain text"
  • Changed: EnlighterJS library (js) is loaded via cache file cache/enlighterjs.min.js
  • Changed: js/css cache file generation is bound to enqueue hook (performance)
  • Changed: wp-skltn library updated to 0.24.0
  • Changed: for compatibility reasons, the language-shortcodes are disabled by default (this only affects new installations)
  • Changed: full semantic versioning tag is used to display the plugin version (may used by additional tools) - thanks to roy-bongers on GitHub
  • Changed: theme cache is only reloaded on Enlighter settings pages (performance) - thanks to gdragon on Wordpress forums
  • Changed: EnlighterJS::getConfig has been changed to multidimension object to allow additional payloads (this also affects the initialization code)
  • Changed: css selector fragment highlighting is limited to the selector itself
  • Changed: enhanced css unit parsing
  • Changed: java, scala, cpp annotation token changed to k11
  • Changed: added token k11 to themes
  • Changed: moved generic highlighting rules to lang/rulesets/generic
  • Changed: ampersandCleanup is performed after html escape sequences to eliminate issues related to double unquoting #109
  • Changed: toggle raw code label to "Plain text"
  • Changed: allowed utf8 characters in php variable and function names (side effect of the php parser)
  • Removed: EnlighterJS::dequeue function (deprecated due to new DRI implementation)
  • Bugfix: vhdl single bit highlighting collided with attribute syntax - thanks to tyriun on GitHub
  • Bugfix: css classnames/ids with hyphens were not recognized
  • Bugfix: XML mixins of single/double quotes in attributes failed #108
  • Bugfix: dot char within XML attribute names not recognized
  • Bugfix: kotlin raw string where not correctly parsed (wrong rule priority)
  • Bugfix: highlighting color of classic theme not applied due to invalid selectors - thanks to woolseyj on GitHub
  • Bugfix: EnlighterJS codeblock css selectors cannot contain quotes due to initialization code sanitizing (replace with serialized object)

New languages, some bugfixes, enhanced theme customizer

29 Apr 17:53
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  • Added: EnlighterJS v3.3.0
  • Added: EnlighterJS Theme-Customizer v2.2.0
  • Added: compatbility mode for CodeColorer . features requested by ajtruckle on GitHub
  • Added: filters to alter the editor config (Gutenberg+TinyMCE) - features requested by ajtruckle on GitHub
  • Added: documentation how to use external themes (linked within contextual help)
  • Changed: external themes requires enlighterjs as css dependency to avoid styling issues
  • Changed: removed Enlighter version string from external themes
  • Bugfix: added missing languages to the list (abap,scala,qml,verilog)
  • Added: apachehttpd/htaccess support
  • Added: lighttpd support
  • Added: nginx support
  • Added: purebasic support - thanks to gphilippot on GitHub
  • Added: minimal latex/tex support
  • Changed: theme font sizes + line-height are based on relative em values - only the font size of the outer wrapper is set explicitly
  • Changed: removed "function" highlighting regex from sql
  • Added: option to customize the raw code pane
  • Added: option to set the token base styles inlcuding font-size - feature requested on GitHub
  • Added: option to set button background-color and line-height
  • Added: tab defaults to change global settings
  • Changed: moved button related settings to tab buttons
  • Changed: moved line-number settings to tab lines
  • Changed: removed tab "fonts"
  • Bugfix: highlighted-line hover selector was invalid -> selection of background-color:hover was not possible - thanks to ajtruckle on GitHub #4
  • Bugfix: removed typos in code edit dialog - thanks to ajtruckle on GitHub

Some enhancements

16 Apr 17:51
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  • Added: EnlighterJS v3.2.0
  • Added: EnlighterJS Theme-Customizer v2.1.0
  • Added: verilog support - thanks to t123yh on GitHub
  • Added: integer highlighting for sql
  • Added: additional usage notes to the theme customizer
  • Added: added option to hide EnlighterJS website link/button
  • Added: browser based tooltips to the buttons (title attribute)
  • Added: fallback language option for backward compatibility (Enlighter -> Options -> Advanced -> EnlighterJS)
  • Added: additional description to the base theme settings
  • Added: methods to retrieve theme+language list from singleton instance
  • Changed: removed the use_smilies environment check - it has been fixed in WordPress core
  • Changed: empty values within customizer take presendence over base theme (empty values cause the css rule to be deleted if exist)
  • Bugfix: powershell commands can also expressed lowercase (camel-case not required) - thanks to krysiekBP on GitHub
  • Bugfix: sql -- styles comments ignored due to invalid regex - thanks to petr-hybler on GitHub

Enlighter v4 - Welcome to a new world

15 Apr 18:04
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Note: This release is NOT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE. Custom themes will be lost

  • Added: Gutenberg editor plugin v1.0.0
  • Added: EnlighterJS v3
  • Replaced MooTools Framework by native code - requires IE >= 10
  • NEW Highlighting Engines - every language support file has been rewritten
  • New Tokenizer Engine including a two stage analyzer
  • New Theme Customizer to allow much more changes
  • Excessive Performance Optimizations
  • Added: ECMA6 Support to Javascript Engine
  • Added: Copy to clipboard button
  • Added: horizontal scroll option
  • Added: GO Support
  • Added: RUST Support
  • Added: YAML Support
  • Added: Kotlin support
  • Added: TypeScript support
  • Added: Groovy support
  • Added: LESS Support
  • Added: SASS/SCSS Support
  • Added: Dockerfile Support
  • Added: CSS Level3 Support
  • Added: Powershell Support
  • Added: VisualBasic NET/Classic Support
  • Added: Swift Support
  • Added: QML Support
  • Added: VHDL Support
  • Added: ABAP Support (simple)
  • Added: Prolog Support (simple)
  • Added: Cordpro Support (simple)
  • Added: Bootstrap4 Theme
  • Added: Dracula Theme (dark, following draculatheme colors)
  • Added: Monokai Theme (dark)
  • Added: Crayon compatibility/migration mode
  • Added: docker based development mode
  • Changed: WP-Skeleton is used as Plugin Backend Framework
  • Changed: All settings are stored in serialized form in enlighter-options instead of single options
  • Changed: moved settings page to top-level menu
  • Changed: settings are stored as serialized object in the database (single row) instead if row-per-option - major performance enhancement
  • Changed: new settings page
  • Changed: sessionStorage is used to store the current active tab instead of cookies
  • Changed: updated the UI components
  • Changed: wp-skltn library updated to 0.23.0 - MPL 2.0 License
  • Bugfix: colorpicker sets wrong foreground color which caused unreadable input fields (color lightness calculation)
  • Cleaned up the internal Plugin Structure
  • Removed: jquery-cookie dependency
  • Removed: MooTools framework
  • Removed: Lighter.js legacy themes (Git, Mocha, MooTools, Panic, Tutti, Twilight)
  • Removed: most keyword lists from language files (direct regular expressions are used)

Enlighter 4 - BETA 1

21 Jul 12:08
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Enlighter 4 - BETA 1 Pre-release

I'm very happy to announce the first beta release of Enlighter 4 - everything has changed :)

Your feedback is welcome

Missing Features

  • Theme Customizer
  • Live Preview
  • Upgrade routines to copy some settings from v3


see Changelog

DRI Bugfix + new translations

29 Apr 14:42
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  • Added: french translation - thanks to regisenguehard on GitHub
  • Added: simplified chinese translation - thanks to XFY9326 on GitHub
  • Changed: jsdelivr mootools version pointed to 1.6.0
  • Changed: the DRI detection is now limited to the condition in_the_loop() && is_main_query()
  • Bugfix: the experimental DRI feature failed in case the_content filter is called multiple times within a theme - thanks to willstocks-tech on GitHub


18 Sep 15:06
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  • Changed: release scheme to Semantic Versioning
  • Bugfix: some development files (EnlighterJS v3 prelease) got into the release branch (lowercase filenames) this may cause some issues during the plugin upgrade - I apologize for the inconvenience - thanks to aguidrevitch on GitHub

Experimental Gutenberg Editor Support

06 Sep 13:04
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  • Added: experimental Gutenberg editor integration - EnlighterJS/Plugin.Gutenberg on GitHub
  • Added: keyboard shortcut +x to highlight inline code - requested by dahnark on Forums
  • Added: Visual Editor Plugin (EnlighterJS.TinyMCE) v3.5.0
  • Added: Environment check to ensure the plugin is uploaded into wp-content/plugins/enlighter/
  • Changed: moved experimental settings into panel "Beta"
  • Removed: outdated translations
  • Bugfix: styles of the "plugin upgrade notification" were broken