This repository contains the public technical documentation of the EnrichEuropeana and EnrichEuropeana+ Projects
The project is composed by 3 different modules:
source code repository for frontend application: TranscribathonEU
source code repository for API: tp-api
Technical documentation for IIIF viewer: M1_IIIF_based_viewer.pdf
Technical documentation for the front-end application: MS4 - Launch of the Enriching Europeana Platform - Technical Documentation.pdf
Technical documentation for enhanced user experience in front-end application: MS5 - Enhanced UX in Transcribathon Platform V1.0_FINAL.pdf
HTR Plugin: MS2 EnrichEuropeana HTR Plugin.pdf
HTR Plugin: Source Code Repository
HTR Integration: MS4 - First Release of HTR Services.pdf
External HTR API: Transkribus HTR API
source code repository: enrichment
Technical documentation for the first version of the API: MS2_automatic_enrichment_FINAL.pdf
Technical documentation for the version 1 of the API: MS7_final_version_of_semantic_enrichment.pdf
Technical documentation for the version 2 of the API: MS8 - Final release of Enrichment Services.pdf
source code repository: dei
Technical documentation for DEI: M3 First Version of Data Exchange Infrastructure_FINAL.pdf
Integration with National Aggregator Infrastructures: MS7 - Integration with National Aggregator Infrastructures.pdf.pdf