This is the runnable Python project for the paper 'Edge Computing and Caching Optimization based on PPO for Task Offloading in RSU-assisted IoV'.
To run the project, run the .py files in './run_this'.
'' generates the results of the main objects.
'' generates the comparison between different cache capacities.
'' generates the comparison between different task deadlines.
'' generates the comparison between our scheme and the LFU and LRU algorithms.
'' generates the comparison between our scheme and the optim caching scheme.
Note: Only run one py file at a time.
'./envs' contains environment settings, parameter configurations and the data struct of the project.
'./methods' contains the discrete PPO algorithm.
'./run_this/data' contains the stored data of the project.
'./run_this/run_methods_and_outputs' contains the execution function of runnable files.
'./run_this/run_methods_and_outputs/outputs' contains the outputs of runnable files.
numpy 1.21.4
Note: Important, inconsistent numpy versions may lead to runtime errors.
Python 3.9.6
@author: Mason Lynn