The GeekBot is an advanced discord bot, made with discord-rs. The core feature of this bot that sets it appart from other bots is that the bot manages membership and registrations.
Greeting (on join) - Gives a random greeting message for new users
Greeting (on register) - Gives a random welcome message for new members
Logging - Logs registered user activity (each registered user gets a unique ID which is hidden for [EVERYONE] except for the user him/her self. This ID is used to among other things, anonymously track the user activity. The data can be used by the staff in order to check the progress of the server but it will be used by the bot in order to reward the user for beeing active. [Spamming is not a valid activity]. (Unregistered users wont be tracked but will also have limited privileges)
Spam detection - The bot will check the channels on the server and apply anti-spam algorithms and will silence and warn users if they are cought spamming. After 3 warnings, the staff will be notified.
Register - Gives you a unique ID and a registering URL for registering your account (Registering within discord would be a terrible security hazard)
Reset password - Sends a reset code to your email adress. Note, resetting the password will reset the entire account since the encrypted data will no longer be accessable.
Add Challange - Creates a new challange to the Challanges pool (staff only)
Edit Challange [Challange id/index] - Edits a challange (staff only)
Stats Challange [Challange id/index] - Gives a url for the stats for a given challange (only members and above)
Add Role [USER] [ROLE,/s] - Give a user a specific role or roles.
- @Estrobeda
/The Geek Corner Community
2017/09/21 - Estrobeda changed the language of choice from nodejs to rust due to optimization, curriousity and safety. The geek portal is still planned to be based on NodeJS but is subject to change.