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Universal scripts set - DEPRECATED

- Support both Rust and C++ nodes

- Support both DePool and msig validations

- Support both fift and solidity electors

- Works on Ubuntu 20.04, CentOS 8.3, Oracle Linux 8.4, FreeBSD 13 (for Linux - latest kernel preferable)

Table of Contents

0. System settings

Login as root and do

mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo "your ssh-rsa key" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Install git, curl, sudo and bash if it not installed (FreeBSD)

For FreeBSD make a link

ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /bin/bash

Then add ordinary user with name as you wish (for example "svt") and do

echo "svt  ALL=(ALL:ALL)  NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers 
cp -r /root/.ssh /home/svt/
chown -R svt:svt /home/svt/.ssh
# =============================================
# For FreeBSD :
echo "svt  ALL=(ALL:ALL)  NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /usr/local/etc/sudoers
cp -r /root/.ssh /home/svt/
chown -R svt:svt /home/svt/.ssh

Setup your host name, timezone and firewall, update your system core and packs. Remember to open UDP port number defined in ADNL_PORT variable in '' in your firewall.

If you have separate disk for database, prepare it and mount to /var/ton-work (default). You can change it in in TON_WORK_DIR variable.

NB!! Double check if time sync is enabled.

1. Setting environment

First of all you have to set the follow environment variables for certain network at the beginning of $HOME/custler.uninode/scripts/

export NETWORK_TYPE=""      # can be main.* / net.* / fld.* / rustnet.* / rfld.*
export NODE_TYPE="RUST"                 # Can be CPP / RUST. Also defines network to build DApp fullnode with or w/o compression
export NODE_WC=0                        # Node WorkChain (for rust network)

export FORCE_USE_DAPP=false             # set `true` For offnode works or to use DApp Server instead of use node's console to operate
export STAKE_MODE="msig"                # can be 'msig' or 'depool'
export MAX_FACTOR=3                     
export ADNL_PORT="48888"                # Open this UDP port in firewall

2. Build nodes

To build node run ./ from $HOME/custler.uninode/scripts/ folder. This script will build all binaries needed and has 3 options:

./        # build both C++ and Rust nodes and all utilites
./ rust   # build Rust node and tools and all it utilites
./ cpp    # build C++ node and tools and all utilites

This script also build node, node utilites, tonos-cli, from the respective repositories from branches defined in You can set repo & commit number in "# GIT addresses & commits " section in ''

After successful build, all executable files will be placed to bin directory defined in NODE_BIN_DIR variable in '' The script also download smartcontracts and place it to folder defined in ContractsDIR variable in ''.

3. Setup node and accounts

All you needs to setup your node - run ./ script from $HOME/custler.uninode/scripts/ folder. This script has no options and does the follow:

  • remove old databases and logs if any
  • create all needed dirs
  • set proper url and endpoints in tonos-cli config file
  • setup logrotate service
  • setup new keys for node
  • setup service tonnode to run node as service (you can change name in
  • generates 3 accounts and place files to $HOME/ton-keys (you can change it in generates 3 accounts files sets:

  • depool account files in $HOME/DPKeys_${HOSTNAME}
  • validator msig (SafeCode) account files in $HOME/MSKeys_${HOSTNAME} with 3 custodians
  • Tik (SafeCode) account files in $HOME/MSKeys_Tik - Safe msig with 1 custodian for tik-tok depool
  • finally, script place all files to $HOME/ton-keys/` if it hasn't same files already

If you have not any accounts before, you can use just generated accounts. If you already has your accounts files in $HOME/ton-keys/` it will NOT be replaced.

4. Start node and check syncronization

After Setup script successfully finished, you can start node by starting it service:

  • sudo service tonnode start

Then you can check node syncronizanion with the blockchain:


This script looped and will show you sync status every 1 min by default. It has 1 parameter - frequency of showing status in seconds:

./ 10      # show info every 10 secs

NB! On first start sync can start after some time, up to 30-60 mins, and can take a time depends of your server speed (mainly disk speed) and netkeyblock from which it is start syncing.

5. Deploy accounts

5.1 Get test tokens in RFLD and FLD network

In FLD & RFLD networks where is free giver called "Marvin". It has address

You can ask him for test 100K tokens once for Validator account. For example, for you validator msig (${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.addr) you can use script You will receive 100K tokens to your account. Also you can use tonos-cli:

. ./
DST_ACCOUNT="your acc HEX addr"
$CALL_TC call "$Marvin_Addr" grant "{\"addr\":\"$DST_ACCOUNT\"}" --abi "${Marvin_ABI}"

5.2 Deploy validator msig with few custodians

To deploy your validator main account, after receved tokens on it, use script. By default, it has 3 custodians and 2 is enought to sign a transaction $VALIDATOR_NAME Safe 3 2

5.3 Setup and deploy DePool smartcontract

5.3.1 Setup DePool parametrs

First of all we to have set DePool parametrs for depool deploy script in in section # Depool deploy defaults

export ValidatorAssuranceT=10000        # Assurance in tokens
export MinStakeT=10                     # Min DePool assepted stake in tokens
export ParticipantRewardFraction=95     # In % participant share from reward
export BalanceThresholdT=20             # Min depool self balance to operate
export TIK_REPLANISH_AMOUNT=10          # If Tik acc balance less 2 tokens, It will be auto topup with this amount

These parametrs cannot be changed after deploy the DePool.

All about Depool you can find in Run DePool v3

5.3.2 Send tokens to DePool account

To send initial balance to DePool account use script

./ $VALIDATOR_NAME depool 50 new


  • $VALIDATOR_NAME - file name of ${VALIDATOR_NAME}.addr file with address of your msig
  • depool - file name of depool.addr file with address of your DePool
  • 50 - initial balance for deploy depool and it's proxies contracts
  • new - set transaction flag bounce to false to tranfer tokens to undeployed address

next we have to sign the transaction by script


5.3.3 Depoloy DePool contract

Now you can deploy the DePool contract by


5.4 Deploy Tik account

For tik-tok DePool action we use separate SafeCode msig account with 1 custodian and address in ${KEYS_DIR}/Tik.addr file
To deploy Tik smartcontract use the same script as for msig

./ $VALIDATOR_NAME Tik 10 new
./ Tik Safe 1 1

6. Send stake to DePool

Simple way to send stake to the depool is ordinary stake to each round. Do follow before first elections for first round:

. ./
$CALL_TC depool --addr $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/depool.addr) stake ordinary --wallet $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.addr) --sign ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.keys.json --value 30000

And do the same just after sent stake to the elector.

More complex is to set lock stake. It will be automatically divide halfly for two rounds. Before elections start do the follow:

. ./
$CALL_TC depool --addr $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/depool.addr) stake ordinary --wallet $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.addr) --sign ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.keys.json --value 30000
Donor_Addr=$(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/Donor.addr)  # should not be your validator address
$CALL_TC depool --addr $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/depool.addr) donor vesting --wallet $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.addr) --donor "$Donor_Addr" --sign ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.keys.json
$CALL_TC depool --addr $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/depool.addr) stake lock --wallet $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/Donor.addr) --total 365 --withdrawal 365 --beneficiary $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.addr) --sign ${KEYS_DIR}/Donor.keys.json  --value 60000
./ Donor
# For remove your ordinary stake do
$CALL_TC depool --addr $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/depool.addr) withdraw on --wallet $(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.addr) --sign ${KEYS_DIR}/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.keys.json

7. Validations

7.1 Prepare for elections

After a few minutes from elections start, we have to prepare the DePool by script


In case of depool validation mode, this script checks balance of Tik account and topup it if it less 2 tokens. Then it send tik-tok transaction from Tik to DePool.

In case of MSIG validation the scriprt check for stake to return in elector and send request to return it if any.

7.2 Send stake to elector


This script prepare all nesessary steps to prepare bid transaction for election and call to sign and send message to DePool with new keys for validating.

In case of MSIG validation the script send transaction with stake and keys to elector directly.

7.3 Check your participation in election

To check your participation status in currrent election use During elections it will show your ADNL and stake amount. And between elections it will show your ADNL and % yours stake of total stake in the elector

7.4 Set schedule in crontab

To set all above scripts to run in time for further elections use script`
It has 2 main parametrs inside:

DELAY_TIME=0        # Delay time from the start of elections
TIME_SHIFT=600      # Time between sequential scripts 
  • DELAY_TIME - Time in seconds from a elections start and between scripts run
  • DELAY_TIME - additional timeshift in seconds from the elections start
    NB! crontab has not seconds precision, only minutes, so for proper use these numbers MUST be divisible by 60

After run this script it set itself to crontab and will be run after all scripts in each elections

8. Alert and Info

You can setup your Telegram chat to receive alerts and info in file TlgChat.json like this:

  "telegram_bot_token": "5xxxxxxx:Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "telegram_chat_id": "-100xxxxxxxxxx"

For monitoring timediff of your node you can run script tg_check_node_sync_status.s in tmux, for example:

cd $HOME/custler.uninode/scripts
tmux new -ds tg
tmux send -t tg.0 './ &' ENTER

After that, if timediff will be more 100 secs or the node goes down you will receive message to you telegram channel. script called from crontab will notify you about elections result to the same channel. and will notify you if they will have some problems


DEPRECATED Script set for EVERSCALE TEST networks








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