Javascript practice projects for learning
Rps-game - gsimple rock paper scissors game created through the use of the Math object and it's radnom method. We use Math.random() to get a random value for to computer opponet. We assign value for the user depending on what button they click:
paper = 1 scissors = 2 rock = 3 (SWITCH STATEMENTS ARE USED TO ASSIGN THE opponetValue variable to the right value above depending on the value returned from the random method in the Math object) these buttons are ordered in a logic manner , Rock is placed last as it beats scissors and paper , scissors is second as it an beat paper which ios the first value.
once the user clicks button an alert will pop up showing the match results
Guessing Game (Located in /GuessingGame)- guess a number between 1 and 10. computerGuess variable will be used to make the computer make a guess before the user submits the input and get another guess after submission if the user's guess is correct
Cart project simply adds products to a cart using object arrays and mapped out objects in the next project I will work on implementing quantity for products to prevent repetitive content in the cart offcanvas.
JokeSnip: using a simple api call jokes are generated. simple user interface will work on implementing getting specific different categories and using conditional statements to gwet the joke the user desires.