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Resources: Servers

Danny Li edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 3 revisions

Special methods

Server object

The Server object has the following methods:

use Exploriment\HetznerCloud;

// retrieve the server
$server = HetznerCloud\Servers::find(1);

// returns the server ID (int)

// returns the server name (string)

// returns the server status (string)

// status = running? (boolean)

// status = initializing? (boolean)

// status = starting? (boolean)

// status = stopping? (boolean)

// status = off? (boolean)

// status = deleting? (boolean)

// status = migrating? (boolean)

// status = rebuilding? (boolean)

// status = unknown? (boolean)

// returns the time when the server was created (string)

// returns public network information (object)
$net = $server->getPublicNet();

// returns ipv4 information (object)
$ipv4 = $net->getIpv4();
$ipv4->ip; // string
$ipv4->blocked; // boolean
$ipv4->dns_ptr; // string

// returns ipv6 information (object)
$ipv6 = $net->getIpv6();
$ipv6->ip; // string
$ipv6->blocked; // boolean
$ipv6->dns_ptr; // array

// returns assigned floating ips ids (array)

 * returns the server type
 * @return

 * returns the datacenter the server is located at
 * @return

 * returns the image the server was created from
 * @return null or

 * returns the ISO image that is attached to this server
 * @return null or

// is rescue mode enabled? (boolean)

// is the server locked and unavailable to the user?

// retrieve the backup window hours (UTC) (null or string)

// retrieve the outgoing traffic in bytes (int or null)

// retrieve the ingoing traffic in bytes (int or null)

// calculate the remaining free traffic in byetes (int)
// 0 outgoing traffic is assumed if $server->getOutgoingTraffic() returns null

 * All the special methods mentioned above are available in the server object
 * too. The method names are exactly the same, so are the parameters, except
 * for the server ID, which can be omitted. A few examples below:
 * @example $server->findAction($action_id);
 * @example $server->start();
 * @example $server->changePtr($ip, $dns_ptr);
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