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Improve nail detection and interference for remote players
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  • Loading branch information
Extremelyd1 committed Jul 26, 2024
1 parent 49086ef commit 2564362
Showing 1 changed file with 235 additions and 17 deletions.
252 changes: 235 additions & 17 deletions HKMP/Game/Client/GamePatcher.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Modding;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,63 +31,243 @@ public void RegisterHooks() {
// Register IL hook for changing the behaviour of tink effects
IL.TinkEffect.OnTriggerEnter2D += TinkEffectOnTriggerEnter2D;

IL.HealthManager.Invincible += HealthManagerOnInvincible;

IL.HealthManager.TakeDamage += HealthManagerOnTakeDamage;

On.BridgeLever.OnTriggerEnter2D += BridgeLeverOnTriggerEnter2D;

var type = typeof(BridgeLever).GetNestedType("<OpenBridge>d__13", BindingFlags);
_bridgeLeverIlHook = new ILHook(type.GetMethod("MoveNext", BindingFlags), BridgeLeverOnOpenBridge);

On.HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.CallMethodProper.DoMethodCall += CallMethodProperOnDoMethodCall;

/// <summary>
/// De-register the hooks.
/// </summary>
public void DeregisterHooks() {
IL.TinkEffect.OnTriggerEnter2D -= TinkEffectOnTriggerEnter2D;

IL.HealthManager.Invincible -= HealthManagerOnInvincible;

IL.HealthManager.TakeDamage -= HealthManagerOnTakeDamage;

On.BridgeLever.OnTriggerEnter2D -= BridgeLeverOnTriggerEnter2D;


On.HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.CallMethodProper.DoMethodCall -= CallMethodProperOnDoMethodCall;

/// <summary>
/// IL hook to change the TinkEffect OnTriggerEnter2D to not trigger on remote players.
/// This method will insert IL to check whether the player responsible for the attack is the local player.
/// IL hook to change the TinkEffect OnTriggerEnter2D to not trigger certain effects of it on remote players.
/// This method will insert IL to check whether the player responsible for the attack is the local player and
/// based on this, omit certain effects.
/// </summary>
private void TinkEffectOnTriggerEnter2D(ILContext il) {
try {
// Create a cursor for this context
var c = new ILCursor(il);

// Find the first return instruction in the method to branch to later
var retInstr = il.Instrs.First(i => i.MatchRet());

// Load the 'collision' argument onto the stack

// Keep track of a whether the local player is responsible for the hit
var isLocalPlayer = true;

// Emit a delegate that pops the TinkEffect from the stack, checks whether the parent
// of the effect is the knight and pushes a bool on the stack based on this
c.EmitDelegate<Func<Collider2D, bool>>(collider => {
// Emit a delegate that pops the collision argument from the stack, checks whether the parent
// of the collider is the knight and changes the above bool based on this
c.EmitDelegate<Action<Collider2D>>(collider => {
var parent = collider.transform.parent;
if (parent == null) {
return true;
isLocalPlayer = true;

parent = parent.parent;
if (parent == null) {
return true;
isLocalPlayer = true;
return != "Knight";

isLocalPlayer = == "Knight";

// Define a label to branch to after the camera shake call
var afterCameraShakeLabel = c.DefineLabel();

// Goto before the camera shake call, which is after the 'if' instructions
i => i.MatchLdfld(typeof(TinkEffect), "gameCam"),
i => i.MatchCall(typeof(UnityEngine.Object), "op_Implicit"),
i => i.MatchBrfalse(out _)

// Emit the 'isLocalPlayer' bool to the stack
c.EmitDelegate(() => isLocalPlayer);

// Emit an instruction that branches to after the camera shake based on the bool
c.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, afterCameraShakeLabel);

// Goto after the camera shake call
i => i.MatchLdfld(typeof(GameCameras), "cameraShakeFSM"),
i => i.MatchLdstr("EnemyKillShake"),
i => i.MatchCallvirt(typeof(PlayMakerFSM), "SendEvent")

// Mark the label for branching here

// Based on the bool we pushed to the stack earlier, we conditionally branch to the return instruction
c.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, retInstr);
// Goto after setting the 'position2' local variable
i => i.MatchCallvirt(typeof(Component), "get_transform"),
i => i.MatchCallvirt(typeof(Transform), "get_position"),
i => i.MatchStloc(3)

// Define a label for branching
var afterRemotePositionLabel = c.DefineLabel();

// Emit the 'isLocalPlayer' bool to the stack
c.EmitDelegate(() => isLocalPlayer);

// Emit the instruction for branching to behind the setting of the remote player position (below)
c.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, afterRemotePositionLabel);

// Load the 'collision' argument onto the stack
// Emit a delegate that pops the 'collision' argument from the stack and pushes the position of the
// remote player to the stack
c.EmitDelegate<Func<Collider2D, Vector3>>(collider => collider.transform.parent.parent.position);

// Emit the instruction for pushing the stack value into the 'position2' local variable
c.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, 3);

// Mark the label for branching after setting the remote position, that we skip when the local player
// is responsible for the hit

// Loop 3 times for the 3 'Recoil' method calls to HeroController
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Goto before the 'Recoil' method call
inst => inst.MatchCall(typeof(HeroController), "get_instance")

// Define a label for branching
var afterRecoilLabel = c.DefineLabel();

// Emit the 'isLocalPlayer' bool to the stack
c.EmitDelegate(() => isLocalPlayer);
// Emit the instruction for branching after the 'Recoil' call
c.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, afterRecoilLabel);

// Goto after the FSM 'SendEvent' call
inst => inst.MatchCallvirt(typeof(PlayMakerFSM), "SendEvent")

// Mark the label for branching here

// Goto after the last if statement that checks for the 'sendFSMEvent' variable
i => i.MatchLdarg(0),
i => i.MatchLdfld(typeof(TinkEffect), "sendFSMEvent"),
i => i.MatchBrfalse(out _)

// Define a label to branch to
var afterSendEventLabel = c.DefineLabel();

// Emit the 'isLocalPlayer' bool to the stack
c.EmitDelegate(() => isLocalPlayer);
// Emit the instruction for branching after the 'SendEvent' call in case of a remote player hit
c.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, afterSendEventLabel);

// Goto after the 'SendEvent' call to mark the label
i => i.MatchLdarg(0),
i => i.MatchLdfld(typeof(TinkEffect), "FSMEvent"),
i => i.MatchCallvirt(typeof(PlayMakerFSM), "SendEvent")

// Mark the label to branch to here
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.Error($"Could not change TinkEffect#OnTriggerEnter2D IL:\n{e}");

private void HealthManagerOnInvincible(ILContext il) {
try {
// Create a cursor for this context
var c = new ILCursor(il);

// Load the 'hitInstance' argument onto the stack

// Keep track of a whether the local player is responsible for the hit
var isLocalPlayer = true;

// Emit a delegate that pops the collision argument from the stack, checks whether the parent
// of the collider is the knight and changes the above bool based on this
c.EmitDelegate<Action<HitInstance>>(hitInstance => {
if (hitInstance.Source == null) {
isLocalPlayer = true;

var parent = hitInstance.Source.transform.parent;
if (parent == null) {
isLocalPlayer = true;

parent = parent.parent;
if (parent == null) {
isLocalPlayer = true;

isLocalPlayer = == "Knight";

i => i.MatchLdarg(1),
i => i.MatchLdfld(typeof(HitInstance), "AttackType"),
i => i.MatchBrtrue(out _)

var afterRecoilFreezeShakeLabel = c.DefineLabel();

c.EmitDelegate(() => isLocalPlayer);
c.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, afterRecoilFreezeShakeLabel);

i => i.MatchLdfld(typeof(GameCameras), "cameraShakeFSM"),
i => i.MatchLdstr("EnemyKillShake"),
i => i.MatchCallvirt(typeof(PlayMakerFSM), "SendEvent")

} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.Error($"Could not change HealthManager#OnInvincible IL:\n{e}");

/// <summary>
/// IL Hook to modify the behaviour of the TakeDamage method in HealthManager. This modification adds a
/// conditional branch in case the nail swing from the HitInstance was from a remote player to ensure that
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,7 +407,7 @@ private void BridgeLeverOnOpenBridge(ILContext il) {
// Define the collection of instructions that matches the roar exit FSM call
Func<Instruction, bool>[] roarExitInstructions = [
i => i.MatchCall(typeof(HeroController), "get_instance"),
i => i.MatchCallvirt(typeof(UnityEngine.Component), "get_gameObject"),
i => i.MatchCallvirt(typeof(Component), "get_gameObject"),
i => i.MatchLdstr("ROAR EXIT"),
i => i.MatchLdcI4(0),
i => i.MatchCall(typeof(FSMUtility), "SendEventToGameObject")
Expand All @@ -255,4 +434,43 @@ private void BridgeLeverOnOpenBridge(ILContext il) {
Logger.Error($"Could not change BridgeLever#OnOpenBridge IL: \n{e}");

/// <summary>
/// Hook for the 'DoMethodCall' method in the 'CallMethodProper' FSM action. This is used for the Crystal Shot
/// game object to ensure that knockback is not applied to the local player if a remote player hits the crystal.
/// </summary>
private void CallMethodProperOnDoMethodCall(
On.HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.CallMethodProper.orig_DoMethodCall orig,
HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.CallMethodProper self
) {
// If the FSM and game object do not match the Crystal Shot, we execute the original method and return
if (!self.Fsm.Name.Equals("FSM") || !"Crystal Shot")) {

// Find the damager game object from the FSM variables, if it, its parent, or their parent is null, we
// execute the original method and return, because we know that it was not a remote player's nail slash
var damager = self.Fsm.Variables.GetFsmGameObject("Damager").Value;
if (damager == null) {

var parent = damager.transform.parent;
if (parent == null) {

parent = parent.parent;
if (parent == null) {

if ("Knight")) {

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