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A simple webcrawler to detect broken links in websites recursively using Python.

How to use

You can use and extend the tool to easily crawl a website and check for broken links and other errors.
Download the and call it from the terminal using:

python3 URL_TO_CRAWL

Check out all the options using

python3 --help

Run using Docker

Use the one-liner below to immediately use the WebScanner from DockerHub:

docker run --rm emeraldit/webscanner:1.0.1 URL_TO_CRAWL

To run the docker command and send the output to your Slack, execute the image like this:

docker run --rm -e SLACK_BOT_TOKEN='your-slack-token' emeraldit/webscanner:1.0.1 --channel_id SLACK_ID URL_TO_CRAWL

You can also easily run the script using Docker.
Build the image:

docker build --tag emeraldit/webscanner:1.0.1 .

Run the image

docker run --rm \
  --name webscanner.container \
  emeraldit/webscanner:1.0.1 \

or on powershell:

docker run --rm `
  --name webscanner.container `
  emeraldit/webscanner:1.0.1 `

Use in your own project

You can also use the class directly in your own python code:

from webscanner import WebScanner

crawler = WebScanner(

The prefix determines which links are crawled, for example you can limit the crawling to a specific subdirectory of a domain such as Everything above the /dir/ will be ignored, when setting the prefix to this url.

The max_depth determines how deep the crawler goes, for example if set to 1, only the links of the initial page are followed and the process stops. If set to 2, all links of the initial page and all following links from the pages that follow the initial page are crawled.


The WebScanner can send the results of the run directly to your Slack channel.

By providing the --channel_id or -cid flag, in execution, you can provide the ID of the Slack channel in which you would like to post the results.

In order to allow the WebScanner to send messages to your Slack, you need to expose, into your environment variables, the SLACK_BOT_TOKEN. Curious where to find this token? Read further on Slack's documentation.

Further development

  1. Clone this repository
    [email protected]:F3licity/WebScanner.git
  2. Start a new virtual environment on the root folder of this project, using Python 3.8, and activate it.
    pip3.8 install virtualenv
    virtualenv venv38
    source venv38/bin/activate
  3. Install pip and pip-tools.
  4. Install the pip libraries required:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Make sure to check out the about the house rules. Start developing!


To contribute please also update the documentation. You can download the required packages from docs-requirements.txt (pip install -r docs-requirements.txt).

Install the documentation requirements:

pip install -r docs-requirements.txt

Build the documentation:

gendocs --config mkgendocs.yml

You can then do mkdocs serve and access it on