Description: A platform for writing and sharing reviews of coding resources.
- Clone this repo and cd into it
- Add ENV variables (shh, don't tell anyone them though)-
- export postgres://wyszobbe:[email protected]:5432/wyszobbe
- Run npm install to install all dependencies
- Run npm run dev to start the server
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser
- View live here
FAC9! We took the liberty of creating an account for all of you. Your username is your GitHub handle (exactly as it is on GitHub, including capital letters). Ask us for your password :)
As a curious learned FAC9 badger...
- I can log in with Username: yourgithubhandle (e.g jwhiles), Password: BigBadBadger.
- I can also log out.
- On the home page, I can see a list of 5 recent reviews, and top 5 resources.
- I can see a list of all resources.
- I can see a list of reviews of a particular resource.
- I can see a users profile and their reviews.
- I can submit a review on a resource profile page.
- I can edit and delete and my own reviews.
- / - (home)
- /user/{user_id} (user profile)
- /resources (list of resources)
- /resource/{resource_id} (resource profile)
- /login (to log in)
- /logout (to log out)
- /edit/{review_id} (available for when I want to edit one of my reviews)
- /delete/{review_id} (available for when I want to delete one of my reviews)
- /addreview/{resource_id} (available when I am logged in and submitting via resource profile)