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Don Mendelson edited this page Apr 22, 2016 · 1 revision


The semantics of messages conforms to FIX. Timpani uses Security Definition Request and Security Definition messages.

All messages between client and server are encoded in JSON. This is a native capability of JavaScript in browsers. On the server side, Google Gson library was used for serialization.

FIX Trading community is developing a user guide for mapping JSON to FIX.


The servlet was developed with Java 8 for its support of functional style programming.

The server is currently dependent on the Jetty API for WebSocket support. When WebSocket support is added to the JRE, supposedly coming in Java 9, then the code can be changed to the standardized version.

Datastore access is abstracted. The only current implementation of the interface is for MongoDB, but implementations could be added for other NOSQL datastores in the future.


The client side code was written in pure JavaScript without any additional frameworks. Due to its simplicity, it should work in all browsers, but compatibility tests have not yet been done.

Currently, security definition messages are displayed in a scrolling log. Since they are encoded in JSON with fully spelled-out field names, they are humanly readable. For a real commercial application, a better presentation would obviously be desirable.

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