This is an accurate 6 digitals clock (HH.MM.SS) for the STM8S003.
The RTC is implemented in firmware. It uses a 24-bit numerically-controlled oscillator (NCO) in formware for very fine accuracy adjustment.
Mine has been calibrated to within +/- 1 sec/month (room temperature is regulated by heaters.)
Common cathode/
efficient new 7 seg display with common cathode ~20mA
Common anode display/
old Alarm clock with recycled vintage large display from cable converter + 2 small displays. ~50mA PNP anode drivers is needed. Smaller display is more efficient, so I adjust their duty cycle in firmware.
Under those 2 directories:
Hardware/ - Eagle CAD schematic, PCB
Firmware/ - STM8S003 firmware source code
Firmware written by me are licensed under GPL 3.0. It can be compiled using the free STM8 Cosmic C compiler. Additional incorporated code are under their own licenses.
Hardware is licensed under CC BY-4.0
Initial release:
- bare minimal functionality, clock trim value is hard coded.
0.1 release
- added calendar
0.2 release
- added North America Daylight Saving Time (DST) + code clean up
0.3 release
- code cleanup
- added AC alarm clock using common anode display. Sorry messy wiring only, so no PCB