Android-based Vision System for the F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Competition. Based off of CheezDroid.
Viking vision is developed with Android Studio, an IDE for Android development. To start you will need to install:
- Git for revision control;
- Android Studio for development.
Start by forking this repository. This creates a copy in your own GitHub account.
Next, clone the repostiroy from your account. This can be done via the command line with:
git clone [email protected]:{username}/VikingVision.git
Open the git repository with Android studio, it should automatically detect that it is a project.
Install OpenCV by:
- Download
- Unzip (OpenCV-android-sdk)
- Create directory app/src/main/jniLibs
- Copy OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/libs/* to app/src/main/jniLibs/
- Enable device admin
- Settings App > Security > Device Administrators > Click box 'on' for VikingVision
- Enable device owner
- adb shell
- dpm set-device-owner org.ljrobotics.vikingvision/.VikingDeviceAdminReceiver
Download and run the script in the installation folder. Note that this script has only been tested on Mac OS X; it hasn't been tested on Windows or Linux.