The new robotics website
Boat Animation:
- Make boat svg
- Put boat in the waves
- Figure out how to rotate the boat based on the wave sine function (DERIVATIVES ahhh)
- Make sure the wave doesn't go off screen on mobile and tablet mode (Everything works on mobile in general)
- Make sure the footer always stays at the bottom (I (Aram) haven't experienced this problem but it might still be there)
- Fix the scroll button (again I haven't experienced this but Greg might have)
- Good looking transitions between webpages
- Responsive/animated dropdown menu for mobile
CSS General:
- Make the buttons look "in place" on the website
- Figure out how to combine the cleaner design with the box shadows and have it look good
- Make the svg gmail and github logos change to actual colors on hover
- What do we do with all of the empty space (maybe make the buttons inline)
- Wave color looks weird when scrolling down
- There probably is more stuff but this is the important stuff for now
Here is the old spreadsheet link for what we needed/need to get done?