A Ruby interface to the FacePlusPlus API.
This sdk has been tested against the following Ruby versions:
- 1.8.7_p370
- 1.9.3_p286
gem build facepp.gemspec
gem install *.gem
require 'facepp'
puts api.detection.detect url: '/tmp/0.jpg'
puts api.person.create person_name: 'Curry'
puts api.person.add_faces person_name: 'Curry', face_id: ['FACD_ID_0', 'FACE_ID_1']
puts api.person.add_faces person_name: 'Curry', face_id: ['FACD_ID_0', 'FACE_ID_1'].to_set
puts api.person.add_faces person_id: 'PERSON_ID', face_id: 'FACE_ID'
puts api.info.get_quota
See the RSpec tests for more examples.
Licensed under the MIT license.