This is the project MMSOS-ClientApp's source code. It is a mobile application, developed in ionic 3 and angular 4.
- Ionic
- NodeJS and NPM
- Cordova
NodeJS and Ionic is required for compiling.
- Make sure you have NodeJS and NPM installed.
- Install Node dependencies for development:
$ npm install of $ npm install --verbose
. - To run apps in browser use:
$ ionic serve
. - Compile the files using ionic, e.g.
$ ionic cordova build android/ios
. - To run directly in real device: e.g.
$ ionic cordova run android/ios
For more information, run : $ ionic help
Files in this repository:
+- src/ # ALL source code without transpile
+- app # ALL the app controller, module and ui are in this folder
| +- assets/ # ALL images stored in here
| +- directives # ALL directives go here
| +- pages/ # ALL pages go here
| +- themes/ # CSS for main theme color for apps
| +- index.html # Main file for html
| +- providers # ALL constast function go here
+- node_modules/ # Development-only tools
+- www/ # Temporary build folder
+- platforms # iOS and android platforms go here
+- plugin # ALL mobile native plugins go here
+- barcode_plugin_printer # This is custom plugin build for BNH using IMP23 Printer
+- # This file...
This project uses npm
to manage frontend libraries, plugins and extensions.
- Install your library with
$ npm install LIBRARY_NAME --save
Note: If npm dependencies are added, please notify your team members to run
$ npm install
To install custom plugin must put the plugin inside the project <$ROOT> folder
- Install the custom plugin with
$ cordova plugin install <plugin name/folder name> --nofetch --save
- cordova-plugin-compat
- cordova-plugin-device
- cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
- cordova-plugin-file
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen
- cordova-plugin-statusbar
- cordova-plugin-whitelist
- cordova-plugin-x-toast
- ionic-plugin-keyboard
- com-sarriaroman-photoviewer
- com.hutchind.cordova.plugins.streamingmedia
- cordova-cloone-barcode-printer
Custom Plugin
- cordova-plugin-bluetooth-status
- cordova-plugin-camera
- cordova-plugin-file-transfer
- cordova-plugin-geolocation
- cordova-plugin-media-capture
- cordova-plugin-video-editor
- cordova-sqlite-storage