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Project MMSOS-ClientApps

This is the project MMSOS-ClientApp's source code. It is a mobile application, developed in ionic 3 and angular 4.


  1. Ionic
  2. NodeJS and NPM
  3. Cordova

Getting started

NodeJS and Ionic is required for compiling.

  1. Make sure you have NodeJS and NPM installed.
  2. Install Node dependencies for development: $ npm install of $ npm install --verbose.
  3. To run apps in browser use: $ ionic serve.
  4. Compile the files using ionic, e.g. $ ionic cordova build android/ios.
  5. To run directly in real device: e.g. $ ionic cordova run android/ios

For more information, run : $ ionic help.


Files in this repository:

+- src/                     # ALL source code without transpile
    +- app                  # ALL the app controller, module and ui are in this folder
|   +- assets/              # ALL images stored in here
|   +- directives           # ALL directives go here
|   +- pages/               # ALL pages go here
|   +- themes/              # CSS for main theme color for apps
|   +- index.html           # Main file for html
|   +- providers            # ALL constast function go here
+- node_modules/            # Development-only tools
+- www/                     # Temporary build folder
+- platforms                # iOS and android platforms go here
+- plugin                   # ALL mobile native plugins go here
+- barcode_plugin_printer   # This is custom plugin build for BNH using IMP23 Printer
+-                # This file...


This project uses npm to manage frontend libraries, plugins and extensions.

  1. Install your library with $ npm install LIBRARY_NAME --save

Note: If npm dependencies are added, please notify your team members to run $ npm install again.

Custom Plugin

To install custom plugin must put the plugin inside the project <$ROOT> folder

  1. Install the custom plugin with $ cordova plugin install <plugin name/folder name> --nofetch --save

Plugin list

  1. cordova-plugin-compat
  2. cordova-plugin-device
  3. cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
  4. cordova-plugin-file
  5. cordova-plugin-splashscreen
  6. cordova-plugin-statusbar
  7. cordova-plugin-whitelist
  8. cordova-plugin-x-toast
  9. ionic-plugin-keyboard
  10. com-sarriaroman-photoviewer
  11. com.hutchind.cordova.plugins.streamingmedia
  12. cordova-cloone-barcode-printer Custom Plugin
  13. cordova-plugin-bluetooth-status
  14. cordova-plugin-camera
  15. cordova-plugin-file-transfer
  16. cordova-plugin-geolocation
  17. cordova-plugin-media-capture
  18. cordova-plugin-video-editor
  19. cordova-sqlite-storage


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