Simple and extensible m3u playlist manager cli.
Many default filters was provided for:
- auto matching EPG
- auto matching logos
- cleaning stream names
- grouping streams
- hide groups
- and many others filters
The full filter list is located here
All filters are configurable by a configuration file. An example of this file is located here
# environment variables to define
export AZURE_SYNKER_BLOB_CNX_STRING=DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={{ACCOUNT}}
export PL={{xxxxxx}}&password={{xxxxxx}}&type=m3u_plus&output=ts
export STRM_OUTPUT_PATH=/mnt/streams
export CONFIG_FILE_PATH=/home/config.yml
export OUTPUT_PATH=/home
pip install --no-input xplcli
# crontab with conda
conda create -n xpl python=3.9
0 5 * * 4 conda activate xpl && pip install --upgrade --no-input xplcli && xpl --export --auto --vod
- improve reporting by filter
- improve tests
- improve playlist export (gist, azure, etc...)
- Ability to execute an external (remote) filter from url
- add github action pipeline for code analysis (PR)