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Gaudin Félix & Giot Adrien

Project structure

├── backend/         : modified backend of librespeed in node JS
├── builders/        : bash file to automatically install Nginx with the Quiche patch
├── first_draft/     : first draft of this project
├── frontend/        : modified version of librespeed
└── stats/           : files for the statistics

Goal of the project

Librespeed provides an open-source speedtest like server that runs above TCP. The objective of this project is to deploy this test suite on a QUIC server (e.g. nginx using cloudflare’s quiche) and explore the performance of QUIC when doing such speedtests.


Nginx with Quiche

In this step we will install a specifique version of nginx with a patch in order to support QUIC.

  1. Install Rust

We must have a version of rust >=1.53 (use rustc -V to know the version) if you don't have it juste use :

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh 

Than you have to add the cargo binaries to your binary files :

sudo ln -s ~/.cargo/bin/cargo /bin/
  1. Install PCRE

This will be used to configure Nginx :

sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev
  1. Download Nginx with the right version (1.16.1)

You may have to remove nginx if you have another version installed

curl -O
tar xzvf nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz
  1. Clone the Quiche git
git clone --recursive
  1. Apply the Quiche patch to Nginx
cd nginx-1.16.1
patch -p01 < ../quiche/extras/nginx/nginx-1.16.patch
  1. Configure Nginx

You can add more options. All options are available here :

./configure                                 \
       --prefix=$PWD                           \
       --build="quiche-$(git --git-dir=../quiche/.git rev-parse --short HEAD)" \
       --with-http_ssl_module                  \
       --with-http_v2_module                   \
       --with-http_v3_module                   \
       --with-openssl=../quiche/deps/boringssl \
       --with-quiche=../quiche                  \
  1. Install the modified version You can try :
make && make install

If you get an error with cp conf/koi-win ... while running the make install you have to comment the line and the two below (cp conf/koi-win ..., cp conf/koi-utf ... and cp conf/win-utf ...) and retry the commands.

  1. Test it ! You can use ./sbin/nginx to launch the server (and sudo killall nginx to killit). By default the page url is at localhost and the default port is 80. (http://localhost:80)


We will use the librespeed project to performe the speedtest. If you want to know more about it, please look at the project GitHub .

To perform more test we modified a bit the original files. They are in the folder frontend. To use them, you can just redirect the nginx root folder to it.

Modify the Nginx config

In order to enable HTTP/3 in Nginx you have to modify the config file. It's located in nginx-1.16.1/conf/nginx.conf.

We made an example file (nginx_example.conf).

Case of 403 : Forbiden erreur

This may mean that your html files are in a folder with to strict permissions. First try this It may not work, so just put the html files in a normal file (eg : /home/) and then use this