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What is SimpleHeal?
SimpleHeal is a lightweight utility plugin that allows Players to easily heal or feed themselves. This is very easy to give as a playtime or donation perk on your survival server! There is a 60 second default cooldown, so it is not too overpowered.
Current features:
- /heal to heal yourself
- /feed to feed yourself
- /heal [player] to heal another player
- /feed [player] to feed another player
- Fully customizable messages and cooldown
- Permission Support
- Heal yourself: simpleheal.heal
- Heal others: simpleheal.heal.others
- Feed yourself: simpleheal.feed
- Feed others: simpleheal.feed.others
healCooldown: 60
feedCooldown: 60
playersOnly: §cThis is for Players only Console!
noPermission: §cYou don't have permission to use that command.
playerNotFound: §cPlayer was not found
healMessage: §aYou have been healed.
feedMessage: §aYou have been fed.
cantHeal: §eYou cannot heal again for another
cantFeed: §eYou cannot satisfy your hunger again for another
healedBy: §aYou have been healed by
youHealed: §aYou have just healed
fedBy: §aYou have been fed by
youFed: §aYou have just fed
Created and tested on Minecraft 1.20, but it should work with most older versions as well. This is my first public plugin! I would love any feedback you have, PRs are welcome as the project is open source!
Good luck!