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Brian Bingham edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 16 revisions

Docker Option

If you use the dockwater project to generate a docker development image, use the ooswarm-dev branch which extends main with specific dependencies for this project.

./build.bash oswarm
./run.bash dockwater:oswarm

Setup Workspace

Make workspace

mkdir -p sandwich_ws/src

Clone the optical_swarm repo

cd sandwich_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:Field-Robotics-Lab/optical_swarm.git

Use vcstool to clone the source dependencies. (If not already installed - follow these instructions. )

vcs import --input optical_swarm/repos/repos.yaml --skip-existing

Build and Source

Note: the apriltag repo is not a catkin_package, so the catkin_make_isolated command is used.

cd ~/sandwich_ws
source devel_isolated/setup.bash 
Clone this wiki locally