Feature & bugfix release
- Added Android Documents Provider
- Added iOS Files Provider
- Added folder downloads
- Added folder uploads
- Added notes
- Added chats
- Added contacts
- Added automatic folder organizing for the camera upload (only applies to new uploads for backwards compatibility reasons)
- UI adjustments
- App specific files are now in a sandbox on iOS instead of public
- New performant text editor
- Added exporting of files into other apps
- UI dimensions fixes
- Improvided app startup time
- Added Android background transfers
- Added push notifications
- Added realtime events
- New image viewer
- Improved transfer UI performance
- Fixed app locking
- Fixed following of system dark/light mode
- Added norwegian translation (Norsk bokmål)
- Added slovakian translation (Slovak)
- General bug fixes & performance improvements
(Keep in mind that this is a beta/RC release and bugs will occur. Make sure to not use it for critical data)