This project contains the Fusion 360 models and STL files for a range of 3D printable sphericons. They are featured in my Sphericons Rolls in a Wibbly Wobbly Way video posted to my YouTube channel for makers, Make It Down To Earth.
Inspiration was drawn from Angus Deveson's Incredibly Satisfying Sphericons on Maker's Muse and Devin Montes' My Super Sphericon Collection with Astrolabicon Puzzle video on Make Anything.
Based on a profile created from three ellipses, similar to the simplified "electrons whizzing around a nucleus" diagram.
Two identical parts joined with a centre peg and magnets. Separate moulded base fits the contours of the decasphericon.
Printed in separate parts so suitable for single colour 3D printers.
One hexasphericon inside another, rotated through 90 degrees.
This is simultaneously both a sphericon and its dual. It was created using two separate revolves around different axes resulting in an interlocking Yin Yang form.
This isn't a sphericon but was created using the same basic technique to create a series of interlocking loops.
Created by sweeping and twisting a hexagon around the outer path of a dual sphericon. There are three such paths, each perpendicular to each other. One large one around the outside and two smaller ones nested inside.
These are all designed in parts to be printed on a single colour 3D printer.