jQuery Storage API is a plugin that simplify access to storages (HTML5) & cookies, add namespace storage functionality and provide compatiblity for old browsers with cookies!
- To store object easily, encode/decode it with JSON automatically
- Ability to define namespace and use it as a specific storage
- Magic getter and setter to have access at an infinite object level with one call
- Add jquery.cookie and manage your cookies with this API
- You want use storage on old browsers? Add jquery.cookie & JSON and JQuery Storage API use cookies to simulate storage!
ns.localStorage // Namespace in localStorage
ns.sessionStorage // Namespace in sessionStorage
ns.cookieStorage // Namespace in cookieStorage (only if jquery.cookie added)
Public methods are usable on all storage objects (
Get an item from a storage
storage.get('foo') // Get storage.foo
storage.get('foo','foo2','foo3'...) // Get storage.foo.foo2.foo3...
storage.get(['foo','foo2']) // Get storage.foo and storage.foo2 in an object ({foo:storage.foo,foo2:storage.foo2})
Set an item in a storage
storage.set('foo','value') // Set storage.foo to "value"
storage.set('foo','foo2','foo3'...,'value') // Set storage.foo.foo2.foo3... to "value"
storage.set({'foo':'value,'foo2':'value2'}) // Set storage.foo to "value" and storage.foo2 to "value2"
Get keys of a storage or an item in a storage
storage.set('foo2','foo3'..., {'foo4':'value4,'foo5':'value5'})
storage.keys() // Return keys of storage (["foo", "foo2"])
storage.keys('foo2') // Return keys of storage.foo2 (["foo3"])
storage.keys('foo2','foo3'...) // Return keys of storage.foo2.foo3... (["foo4", "foo5"])
Check if a storage or an item in a storage is empty (if equal to "", 0, null, undefined, [] or {})
storage.set('foo2','foo3'..., {'foo4':'value4,'foo5':'value5'})
storage.isEmpty('foo') // Check if storage.foo is empty (false)
storage.isEmpty('foo6') // Check if storage.foo6 is empty (true)
storage.isEmpty('foo7') // Check if storage.foo7 is empty (true)
storage.isEmpty('foo2','foo3'...) // Check if storage.foo2.foo3... is empty (false)
storage.isEmpty(['foo','foo2']) // Check if storage.foo and storage.foo2 are empty (false)
storage.isEmpty(['foo','foo7']) // Check if storage.foo and storage.foo7 are empty (false)
storage.isEmpty(['foo6','foo7']) // Check if storage.foo6 and storage.foo7 are empty (true)
Check if an item exists in a storage (if different of null and undefined)
storage.set('foo2','foo3'..., {'foo4':'value4,'foo5':'value5'})
storage.isSet('foo') // Check if storage.foo exists (true)
storage.isSet('foo6') // Check if storage.foo6 exists (true)
storage.isSet('foo7') // Check if storage.foo7 exists (false)
storage.isSet('foo2','foo3'...) // Check if storage.foo2.foo3... exists (true)
storage.isSet(['foo','foo2']) // Check if storage.foo and storage.foo2 exist (true)
storage.isSet(['foo','foo7']) // Check if storage.foo and storage.foo7 exist (false)
Delete an item from a storage
storage.remove('foo') // Delete storage.foo
storage.remove('foo','foo2','foo3'...) // Delete storage.foo.foo2.foo3...
storage.remove(['foo','foo2']) // Delete storage.foo and storage.foo2
Truncate the storage
storage.removeAll() // Delete all items from the storage
storage.removeAll(true) // Only on global storages. Delete all items from the storage and reinitialize previously initialized namespaces
Only on cookieStorage. Set expires date in days (default value is null, cookie is valid for session only; only values setted after setExpires() call be affected)
storage.setExpires(10) // Set expiry date to today + 10 days
This method return the storage object, so you can do :
storage.setExpires(10).set('foo','value') // Set expiry date to today + 10 days and set a new cookie with this expiration
Object that contains all initilialized namespace storages
Delete all items of all storages. As removeAll(), is first argument is given to true, namespaces are reinitialized. Else, $.namespaceStorages is set to an empty object and previously namespaces are lost.
JQuery Storage API is compatible with all browsers that support storage and JSON natively.
If you want more compatibility :
- Add jquery.cookie (https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie) before this plugin and storage will work on every browsers that support JSON natively!
- You want more? Add json2.js (https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js) too and storage will be enable on every browsers!
To resolve an issue on IE8 that doesn't like function named "delete", we had to change name of delete functions.
So public methods "delete" and "deleteAll" become "remove" and "removeAll".
Sorry for inconvenience...