PKSM 4.2.0 - Everything editable
released this
05 Feb 14:09
2720 commits
to master
since this release
What's new?:
- Added: Almost the totality of a pokemon's data can now be fully edited. The easiest way to do this was by adding a "hex" editor screen that allows you to see with your eyes what happens when you edit your stuffs. You can now fully edit things like:
- Encryption constant
- Contest values (Cool, Beauty, ...)
- Ribbons (yeah, each of them)
- Move PP (there's no effective check for legal values with those, so be careful, the limit is globally set to 40)
- PP Ups
- Held Trainer Nickname
- Held Trainer infos, like Affection, Intensity, ...
- Original Trainer infos, like the ones mentioned above
- Fullness, Enjoyment
- Met (and Egg) Day, Month, Year (no real checks for these too, so be careful when setting your dates).
- All the values not mentioned above (but still existent), like MarkValues, Experience, Regions and weird stuff like that, can still be edited from within the app. I added a sort of godmode that unlocks all the checks letting you do all sort of vandalisms. This is unlockable by entering a touch sequence.
- Added: support for Japanese/Korean chars in the viewer.
- Added: fast scroll mode in extra storage.
- Wondercard database updated to 2017/02/05.
- Fixed: the HT name is no longer filled with random chars.
- Fixed: Pumpkaboo, Arceus, Genesect and Silvally can now be taken safely from the extra storage.
- Fixed: nicknames/OT names no longer erased if you don't put anything if attempting to edit them.
- Fixed: gen6 living dex have correct relearn moves now.
- Fixed: the application doesn't crash anymore if you have corrupted elements in your save.
_Huge thanks to all the people involved in PKHeX. All the offsets come from there._
PKSV and servepkx are included in the zip release file, as well.
_I'm NOT responsible in any way if you ruin your stuff by using the new features or the already available ones_. This should be already known but it's good to make it clear.
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