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Releases: FlaxEngine/FlaxAPI

Version 0.6.6192

04 Feb 18:56
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Version 0.6.6192 - 4 February 2020

Contributors: stefnotch

  • Add Channel Mask parameter type to materials and particles
  • Add support for scene actions shortcuts in Properties window
  • Add Unlit view mode with material color and ambient occlusion
  • Add Copy name option to asset editor window title bar
  • Add support for selecting parent of the actor with HideFlags.DontSelect when picking it
  • Add Viewport Brightness, Viewport Resolution and Take Screenshot options to Game window
  • Add profile event for profiler window update
  • Add support for tooltips for enums
  • Add tooltips for common engine enums
  • Add support for seeking scene animation timeline when no player assigned
  • Add Min/Max/Clamp to Color
  • Add editor option to customize editor fps
  • Add HDR support to color picker
  • Add NonWalkableModes to CharacterController
  • Add automatic main menu option popup when moving mouse
  • Add support for using custom graphics quality in editor (local)
  • Add support for editing multiple actor scripts that have the same scripts collection
  • Add vertex snapping support to Render2D (optional via Render2D.Features flags)
  • Add support for undo when transforming selected foliage instance
  • Add duplicate for folders via content window context menu
  • Add support for undo when duplicating foliage instance
  • Add support for undo when picking foliage instance
  • Add support for undo when editing and removing selected foliage instance
  • Add Preserve Alpha Coverage support to textures importing
  • Add 'if' as alternative title to branch node
  • Add error log when changing actor transformation to nan/inf
  • Add support for using 0 for update/draw fps as infinity
  • Add PageUp/PageDown shortcuts for rapid keyframes navigation in timeline
  • Add default values for game settings
  • Add View Flags caching for EditGameWindow
  • Add random quotes to Editor splash screen
  • Add support for running editor with relative project path specified
  • Optimize Debug Draw vertices to use 32bit color
  • Improve color picker default placement
  • Improve naming duplicated assets and folders
  • Improve moving and renaming assets (don't reload asset when storage changes)
  • Refactor Skeleton Mask asset to contain a list of skeleton nodes names (instead of bone indices)
  • Refactor Bone Socket actor to use skeleton bone as reference
  • Refactor Content api
  • Refactor and optimize Function class to be faster
  • Improve using tree nodes arrows navigation
  • Improve borderless windows support on Windows
  • Disable ModelLOD bias/scale from RenderView task for terrain
  • Fix drawing debug circle pointing down
  • Fix to use utf8 for project.xml file
  • Fix error when using native window title bar
  • Fix drawing editor sprites when using custom view mode
  • Fix new material rendering issue
  • Fix short name for folder paths with dots
  • Fix drawing selection outline when using custom view mode
  • Fix profiler timing
  • Fix material layers usage with tessellation
  • Fix constant buffer alignment for materials
  • Fix spot light debug shapes rendering
  • Fix physics layers mask editor layer names labels positioning
  • Fix Snap loading from Input settings
  • Fix profiler timings for cpu
  • Fix importing folders via drag and drop to editor
  • Fix selection outline to draw selection child actors
  • Fix material instance color picker usage with cancel
  • Fix tree node if has hidden child nodes added later
  • Fix Quaternion.LookRotation for edge cases
  • Fix dock windows stealing user focus
  • Fix Bezier interpolation for Quaternion when angle wraps
  • Fix regression on inverted culling for geometry with negative scale
  • Fix restoring windows layout to maximized when window is already maximized

Version 0.6.6191

23 Dec 18:05
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Version 0.6.6191 - 23 December 2019

  • Add support for FlaxEngine.Object.New<GPUTexture>()
  • Add using async calls for content loading in editor
  • Add warning with missing custom node typename
  • Add output log window auto focus on game build fail
  • Add Actor.Children getter
  • Add ctrl+tab navigation for dock panel tabs
  • Add ctrl+w shortcut for closing selected dock window
  • Improve range for postFx intensity options max range
  • Improve Asset.WaitForLoaded
  • Change live relaod to be disabled by default for prefab editors
  • Fix loading custom node in Visject without any custom nodes in project
  • Fix deadlock in Asset::WaitForLoaded when asset load task fails
  • Fix specular for area lights source length is non zero
  • Fix crash on AutomaticAverageLuminance
  • Fix rare crash on engine exit in DirectInput gamepads scanning thread on Windows
  • Fix text culling in RichTextBoxBase
  • Fix duplicating actors in prefab editor
  • Fix exception when moving actors in prefab editor
  • Fix custom editor window title bar on High-Dpi display
  • Fix Desaturation node elements positioning
  • Fix Border control drawing

Version 0.6.6190

17 Dec 22:15
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Version 0.6.6190 - 17 December 2019

Contributors: stefnotch, JimiVacarians

  • Add Scene Animations
  • Add actors searching popup to actor reference picker
  • Add Control.PointFromParent(ContainerControl parent, Vector2 location)
  • Add Screen Fade Color to fade screen via postFx settings
  • Add AutoFitText option to Label
  • Add Linux support
  • Add resolution scale slider to editor viewports
  • Add High-DPI screens support
  • Add -lowdpi command line to use default DPI
  • Add fonts upscaling for high-DPI monitors
  • Add PerlinNoise to FlaxEngine
  • Add Octaves to PerlinNoise
  • Add DelayLoad to Assimp DLL to improve editor startup time
  • Add support for shwoing getter only properties with the ShowInEditor attribute
  • Add support for DirecxtTex lib on UWP and XboxOne
  • Add Output Log window to Editor
  • Add support for enums editing for visject node values
  • Add Render2D.DrawText without layout formatting
  • Add Rich Text Box to UI library
  • Add C# API for Font and Render2D to use text substring with TextRange
  • Add emitter parameters overrides support to particle system
  • Add Time.StartupTime
  • Add caching FPS and Navigation show widgets option
  • Add Texture.FromFile and Texture.LoadFile for loading images from files in game
  • Add Copy asset ID option to content window context menu
  • Add Flax icon to engine textures
  • Add native memory allocations profiling
  • Add Output Log window to the default windows layout
  • Add terrain exporting feature
  • Add navmesh updating support when editing terrain
  • Add High DPI support to Editor
  • Add guard to block editing scene hierarchy on other threads
  • Add kerning table caching support for Font
  • Add support for hinting and flags to font asset
  • Add index buffer support for Render2D
  • Add drag and drop support for ParticleSystemTimeline
  • Add AddPostFxMaterial and RemovePostFxMaterial methods to PostFxVolume
  • Add GPUContext.CopyTextureRegion
  • Add histogram-based eye adaptation effect
  • Add Limit parameter to Bloom settings
  • Add ToneMappingMode and use optimized ACES approximation instead of customizable options for curve
  • Add feature to pilot actor in editor scene viewport
  • Add DirectX 12 support (use -d3d12 command line switch)
  • Add GPU memory logging on Vulkan
  • Add Font.ProcessText
  • Add ViewFlags.DebugDraw
  • Add anti-aliased lines rendering support to Render2D
  • Add Render2D.DrawLine with separate start/end colors
  • Add FLAX define to game scripts project
  • Add Editor.CustomData for editor plugins to cache persistent data during session
  • Add default values to material properties
  • Add fade out distance parameters to SSR
  • Add easier terrain creating via toolbox
  • Add missing System libraries from .Net Framework
  • Add Actor.HasTag
  • Add printing object ID for invalid actor/script type on scene load
  • Add support for taking screenshots in build game
  • Add support for receiving directional light shadows for transparent and particle materials
  • Add assets dependencies collecting C# API (Asset.GetReferences)
  • Add material parameters override support
  • Add custom title bar to editor window
  • Add GPUResource and GPUTexture
  • Add GPUResourceMapMode
  • Add Add GPUResourceUsage
  • Add Add GPUTextureDescription
  • Add GPUTexture.Description getter
  • Add Half constant to Vector2 and Vector4
  • Add Set Root action to prefab editor
  • Add support for loading missing Visject nodes
  • Add support for baking lightmaps for terrain
  • Add support for baking lightmaps for foliage
  • Add Visject Surface editing improvements for keyboard aka fast typing
  • Add exponential height fog to transparent and particle materials
  • Add support for local lights in transparent and particle materials (point/spot lights)
  • Add support for material instance used as a base for another instance
  • Add draw time on GPU and drawing stats to the main profiling data access API
  • Add support for particles and transparency shadows
  • Add MSAA support for D3D12
  • Add Fixed Axis facing mode for particles
  • Add DrawPass masking support for better rendering configurability
  • Add support for HideInEditor attribute used for enum items
  • Add support for EditorDisplay attribute used for enum items
  • Add fade out to last model LOD on hide
  • Add fallback to default project scene if nothing saved in the cache on editor startup
  • Add FontTextureAtlas type to C#
  • Reduce maximum nested prefab nesting level to 8 per object
  • Rename game scripts Assembly to Game (and Assembly.Editor to Game.Editor)
  • Refactor and optimzie scripting backend
  • Refactor PostProcessSettings
  • Refactor eye adaptation
  • Refactor engine native memory allocator
  • Refactor scripting system (C++ scripts support from native modules)
  • Refactor managed types caching (multitheraded support)
  • Refactor engine workspace
  • Refactor lightmap entries to be stored one per StaticModel (instead of one per mesh)
  • Refactor some engine logs to use logger instead of DebugLog
  • Refactor FontReference into structure
  • Refactor LogType
  • Refactor log startup time to count from actual game start, not the log start
  • Refactor ScrollBar to make it more reusable for other UI
  • Refactor render targets pool (use shared pool for C++ and C# scripting)
  • Rename Application to Platform (matches C++ API)
  • Rename GraphicsQuality to GraphicsSettings
  • Rename GraphicsDevice to GPUDevice
  • Rename TextureFlags to GPUTextureFlags
  • Improve exponential height fog and fix volumetric fog density
  • Improve Visual Studio 2019 detection
  • Improve geometry instancing performance
  • Improve draw calls sorting performance
  • Improve model and skinned model windows previews
  • Improve viewport gizmos tick (use update delegate)
  • Improve particles vertex processing performance by using index buffer for sprites
  • Adjust default MinScreenSize for models to be lower (less aggressive culling)
  • Remove StaticModel.HiddenShadow (use draw modes option)
  • Remove ContainerControl.OnChildControlResized
  • Remove RenderTask.Create<>, use Object.New<>
  • Remove Mathf.Deg2Rad/Mathf.Rad2Deg, use Mathf.DegreesToRadians/Mathf.RadiansToDegrees
  • Remove FlaxEngine.Rendering namespace from scripting
  • Remove RenderTarget (use GPUTexture)
  • Remove Depth, GBuffer and MotionVectors pass from defaults for particles
  • Remove DebugDraw.DrawSphere with center and radius (use method with BoundingSphere)
  • Disable error message boxes on engine error messages
  • Optimize GPU memory usage when not using shadowed lights
  • Optimize light buffer format
  • Update C# API assemblies version to match the engine version
  • Use OnDestroy rather than Dispose for controls cleanup
  • Use reference when passing InitData to TextureBase.Init
  • Change CPUInfo to contain CPU cache sizes (not cache counts)
  • Change default box brush size to 100
  • Change default SunDiscScale to 3
  • Change default brightness for Point, Spot and Directional lights to 8
  • Change editor sprites rendering to not be affected by the scene lighting and post-processing
  • Change default for RestoreMaterialsOnReimport to true
  • Change default near plane to 10 and far plane to 40k
  • Change Vector3.NearEqual epsilon param to float and add default value to it
  • Fix undo for editing UIControl control properties
  • Fix error when changing UIControl type with undo
  • Fixes for audio playback with seeking
  • Fix actor scene tree node expand when it has all children hidden
  • Fix AudioSource.GetTime for audio clips with streaming
  • Fix usage of streaming audio
  • Fix missing MonoPosixHelper library
  • Fix Panel ScrollBars changing
  • Fix selecting CSG brushes
  • Fix particle rotation when using Face Camera Position
  • Fix material Opacity input enabled state
  • Fix CSG selecting after rebuild
  • Fix editor Highlight Material
  • Fix handling Anchor Styles when resizing UI control
  • Fix crash on ExtractDataFloat when using 16bit audio
  • Fix EnumElement.EnumTypeValue getter
  • Fix crash when calling stop on disabled AudioSource
  • Fix timeline tracks reorder
  • Fix error when using Scene Texture parameter in material
  • Fix scene graph event unregister
  • Fix deadlock on GPUTask cancel before sync
  • Fix ShadowsDistance to be calculated from the point/spot light bounds instead of position
  • Fix sorting postFx volumes
  • Fix culling last model LOD with MinScreenSize
  • Fix culling skinned models with MinScreenSize
  • Fix timer queries and profiling GPU on D3D12
  • Fix rare crashes after scripts reload
  • Fix tooltip for long description text (wrap words)
  • Fix Scripting.InvokeOnUpdate to be thread-safe
  • Fix updating rigidbody bounds when it has no colliders
  • Fix D3D12 support, improve performance and stability
  • Fix AnimatedModel not visible in game build if not using Anim Graph
  • Fix custom RigidBody mass serialization and override mass flag in Prefabs
  • Fix using Guid value in custom anim graph nodes
  • Fix error when closing material window after using color pickup dialog
  • Fix crash when custom editor options object deserialization fails
  • Fix terrain rendering on Vulkan (and improve buffers uploading)
  • Fix skylight baking (no sky clipping, no using sky light during its baking)
  • Fix Render2D.DrawLine to apply thickens on line caps and apply current transformation scale to it too
  • Fix managed classes cache to be thread-safe
  • Fix reporting GPU memory on DirectX backends
  • Fix DebugLog sending from native code for multiple threads
  • Fix Editor splash screen title for long project names
  • Fix RenderOnlyWithWindow Brightness apply to not use alpha
  • Fix error when selecting terrain with missing patches on editor reopen
  • Fix _dirtyNodes lock to prevent race conditions
  • Fix navmesh building with terrain
  • Fix RootNodeName default value

Version 0.5.6187

17 Dec 22:14
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Version 0.5.6187 Pre-release

Version 0.5.6187 - 26 October 2019

  • Fix and improve animations looping and playback with negative speed factor
  • Fix crash on skinned mesh update draw with cached data missing
  • Fix Blend Pose crash

Version 0.5.6186

27 Sep 19:13
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Version 0.5.6186 Pre-release

Version 0.5.6186 - 27 September

  • Update ofbx
  • Fix Lerp in Anim Graph and CPU particles graph
  • Fix importing skinned models from fbx (invalid offset matrix calculations)

Version 0.5.6185

04 Sep 22:19
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Version 0.5.6185 Pre-release

Version 0.5.6185 - 5 September 2019

  • Add UpdateMesh and UpdateTriangles methods to Mesh that use List<T>
  • Add Collider.ComputePenetration
  • Add CollisionData.CookCollision from custom geometry buffers
  • Add default value attributes to actors properties
  • Update ofbx library
  • Remove SceneRenderTask.Flags and SceneRenderTask.Mode (use View structure)
  • Optimize CollisionCooking to allocate less memory in certain cases
  • Fix using Assert library from FlaxAPI
  • Fix Sky shader to place pixels always on max depth
  • Fix mouse position issues in locked cursor mode in editor
  • Fix FirstScene setting in Game Settings
  • Fix crash when using physics overlap test with too many results
  • Fix errors when editing material instance parameters
  • Fix parsing values on different system language settings


20 Aug 06:29
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0.5.6184 Pre-release

Version 0.5.6184 - 19 August 2019

Contributors: JimiVacarians, stefnotch

  • Add Particles
  • Add Particle Emitter asset
  • Add Particle System asset
  • Add Particle Effect actor
  • Add Vulkan support
  • Add -vulkan command line to use Vulkan rendering backend
  • Add showing documentation tooltips for Visject Surface nodes
  • Add tooltips support for Visject surface elements
  • Add explicit editors for Vector2/3/4 to modify all components of default value for input box
  • Add support for reading particle attributes in materials (Particle shader type)
  • Add support for unsigned integer connection types in Visject Surface
  • Add Flipbook node to materials
  • Add support for Visual Studio 2019
  • Add Text Wrapping to the Text Box control
  • Add DirectX 10 and 11 support options for UWP
  • Add support for UWP builds to run on Xbox One
  • Add x86 builds support for Windows
  • Add OnEnable and OnDisable events to script template
  • Add more extendibility to SelectionOutline in Editor API
  • Add support for -headless flag in cooked game on Windows
  • Add support for Windows Server
  • Add Curve<T> type to C# API
  • Add undo support for enable/disable script
  • Add support for native Scripts and Actors (engine source requried)
  • Add command line switches for picking GPU device by vendor
  • Add -skipcompile cmd line to skip automatic scripts compilation on startup (useful when launching engine from IDE)
  • Add -mute cmd line to disable audio
  • Add option to disable audio in build game
  • Add content finder tool to Editor (use Ctrl+O)
  • Add postFx for LightBuffer view mode
  • Add OnUnDirty to CustomEditor
  • Add Curve editing and sampling for all Visject graphs
  • Add Panel.AlwaysShowScrollbars
  • Add read-only depth buffer to the graphics backends
  • Add fallback to dummy white texture if material wants to sample scene depth buffer but cannot
  • Add Depth Fade node to materials
  • Add support for sampling scene depth in particle and transparent materials
  • Add support for serialization of Editor's IUndoActions
  • Add Degrees and Radians functions to Visject math library
  • Add Bitwise operations, Booolean math and Comparisons nodes groups to materials
  • Add VectorX and IntX modulus operation support
  • Add DisabledTint property to Image control
  • Add Timeline control to Editor UI library
  • Add helper popup with info if no shader source to show
  • Add Sky Light support for transparent materials
  • Add option to search in the Content Window by asset ID
  • Add Branch node to all Visject graphs
  • Add Append node to all Visject surface types
  • Add Shunting Yard algorithm parser for input value fields for easier usage (eg. type 2 + 2 * 2 to set 6)
  • Add GameWindowMode option for Windows platform to specify game window mode
  • Add pausing game time progression if game logic is disabled (eg. has no focus and game should not run in a background)
  • Add Sample Gradient node to all Visject graphs (particles, materials, animations)
  • Add CreateAndSetVirtualMaterialInstance() to Decal, Animated Model and Static Model actors
  • Add auto-save feature to editor
  • Add showing Skinned Model bounds in properties window
  • Add AutoWidth to Label
  • Add vertical scroll to selected entry in debug log window
  • Add support for custom editor options for plugins
  • Add logging FlaxAPI build version on startup
  • Add support for custom editor options for plugins
  • Add helper Json serialization methods for objects of unknown type
  • Add Visject Surface undo support
  • Add undo support for materials editor
  • Add content items rename validation to popup
  • Add moving nodes inside comment when moving comment
  • Add Add SurfaceNode.DepthFirstTraversal()
  • Add VisjectSurfaceWindow and refactor Visject surface editing windows
  • Add Force Script Compilation On Startup to editor options
  • Add Mouse Sensitivity to editor options
  • Add editor options for viewports defaults
  • Add StartupSceneMode to editor options
  • Add DebugLogTimestampsFormat to editor options
  • Add HighlightColor to editor options
  • Add custom editor fonts options
  • Update Mono to 5.20.1
  • Update Assimp to 5.0 RC 1
  • Update DirectXMesh to April 26, 2019
  • Update DirectXTex to April 26, 2019
  • Update UVAtlas to April 26, 2019
  • Update freetype to 2.10
  • Update curl to 7.64.1
  • Update fmt to 5.3
  • Update OpenAL to 1.19.1
  • Update PhysX to 4.1
  • Use static linking for PhysX on Windows
  • Use static linking for Mono on Windows
  • Use AOT for C# assemblies on UWP platform
  • Improve UWP builds stability
  • Disable distortion pass for transparent materials that don't use Refraction to optimize performance
  • Don't write to C# project files if nothing changes
  • Remove Mathf.Clamp01 - use Mathf.Saturate instead
  • Rename CustomRenderTask.OnRender to CustomRenderTask.Render
  • Copy deploy pdb files for AOT assemblies in Debug builds
  • Implement proper graphics backend selection and win platforms settings
  • Improve material shader padding members generation
  • Remove Flax copyright note from generates material shaders
  • Disable setting Update/Draw/Physics fps to 0
  • Improve Visject Surface style and user interface
  • Improve rendering performance
  • Move ContentDomain enum to editor assembly
  • Improve Visject Surface rendering and input handling
  • Rename Control.CanFocus into AutoFocus
  • Use unscaled game time in materials
  • Disable Rotation node in Material graphs (not supported)
  • Rename to Object._internalId to prevent name collisions in scripts
  • Refactor FlaxAPI assemblies location (no need to rebuild engine to change from Release to Debug assembly)
  • Refactor Visject surface comments to be nodes
  • Remove Left/Right shift and control keys (not supported)
  • Improve default terrain creation dialog options
  • Improve asset and actor types registration
  • Refactor serialized actor/script type id to be full type name
  • Refactor script events
  • Refactor material properties
  • Ensure that state machines and states have unique names
  • Optimize scene objects deserialziation
  • Optimize script types caching
  • Optimize UTF16 string serialization to Json
  • Optimize physics events processing and sending
  • Fix crash when disposing AudioClip after audio system shutdown
  • Fix crash when using transparent material for skybox
  • Fix picking objects in editor in ortho camera mode
  • Fix scene rendering when using orthographic projection
  • Fix serialization of protected/private properties with SerializeAttribute in script
  • Fix arguments order in ContentEditingModule.CloneAssetFile
  • Fix Null backend usage with shaders cache preloading
  • Fix rare window cleanup crash
  • Fix Panel to handle proper scrolling of child controls with scale or rotation
  • Fix negative minimum range value for scroll bar
  • Fix panel scrollbars in various cases
  • Fix showing tooltips for Visject Surface controls
  • Fix VerticalPanel and HorizontalPanel spacing insertion
  • Fix Visject input box initial state for boolean values
  • Fix rare Anim Graph transition crashes
  • Fix Game Cooker thread crashing on 2nd build
  • Fix crash on Actor.Direction = Vector3.Up
  • Fix shader assets building on graphics platform options change
  • Fix error when changing control size with AnchorStyle set Center without parent control
  • Fix material params binding when no constant buffer is in use
  • Fix typo in Skybox
  • Fix Camera Depth Fade node in materials to clamp result between 0 and 1
  • Fix crash when editing null Version type value in Custom Editor
  • Fix transparent materials texture slots usage
  • Fix settings PostFx material in PostFx volume actor
  • Fix EditorViewport to ignore mouse events passed outside the viewport control
  • Fix using Alt+Tab and fullscreen mode
  • Fix engine version macros in game build compilation
  • Fix Render2D.FillRectangle with 4 colors and alpha blending
  • Fix Bias and Scale node to handle various input valeu types
  • Fix namespaces for Editor types (GUI mostly moved from Engine assembly)


01 Apr 21:13
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0.4.6181 Pre-release

Version 0.4.6181 - 1 April 2019

  • Add showing overridden filename for imported asset in import files dialog
  • Add UIControl.FallbackParentGetDelegate
  • Add showing UIControls in prefab preview
  • Add showing UIControl in prefab thumbnails
  • Increase default timeout for Asset.WaitForLoaded to 30s
  • Use MainCamera if UICanvas uses CameraSpace without camera specified
  • Fix UIControl deserialization without control type
  • Fix UICanvas deserialziation on prefab changes apply
  • Fix crash when removing object from prefab which instance is selected in editor
  • Fix crash when applying prefab changes after removing one of the actors that has child actors
  • Fix prefab diff serialization for members that value has different types
  • Fix various crashes when reloading scripts in Editor
  • Fix importing skinned models that has valid skeleton but no skinning information


14 Mar 12:04
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0.4.6180 Pre-release

Version 0.4.6180 - 14 March 2019

  • Add JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(string json) helper method
  • Add Render.DrawRectangle with 4 vertex colors
  • Add Show Default Scene option to editor asset previews
  • Add padding for material parameters alignment
  • Add profile event for Distortion pass
  • Add support for virtual RawDataAsset, saving it and editing Data property
  • Add Scripting.InvokeOnUpdate
  • Add support for async loading of solution and source code files
  • Remove deprecated ReferencedBy from surface parameter
  • Fix CollisionData cooking
  • Fix DeepClone and utils class name
  • Fix crash when connecting Visject boxes with autokey popup without popup created
  • Fix crash when using Bool value cast in Material


26 Feb 12:48
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0.4.6179 Pre-release

Version 0.4.6179 - 7 January 2019

  • Add Foliage system
  • Add various foliage tools for spawning and editing foliage
  • Add utility method for finding actors and scripts by type
  • Add Custom Anim Graph nodes support
  • Add support for custom nodes in visject surface (from game scripts and plugins)
  • Add bone to node mapping for skinned model skeleton (in c# api)
  • Add skinned model skeleton nodes c# api
  • Add rigidbody constraints support
  • Add showing skinned model nodes hierarchy in editor window
  • Add Linearize Depth node to materials
  • Add InputEvent.Dispose
  • Add Show Selection Outline editor option
  • Add Navigation system
  • Add Nav Mesh Bounds Volume actor type
  • Add Nav Link actor type
  • Add navigation mesh building and related tools
  • Add helper events to SceneEditingModule for easier extending Editor
  • Add BoxCollider.OrientedBox getter
  • Add Navigation Settings asset for navmesh configuration
  • Add more Debug Draw rendering features (wireframe, solid, transparent, triangles, vertex indexing)
  • Add orthographic projection support for editor viewports
  • Add setter to Camera.MainCamera
  • Add StaticFlags.Navigation
  • Add separate DebugDraw.DrawWire* methods for wireframe debug shapes rendering and DebugDraw.Draw* methods for solid debug shapes rendering
  • Add alpha blending support for DebugDraw shapes rendering
  • Add context menu to debug window log entries
  • Improve Screen Space Reflections quality (better temporal reconstruction filter and HDR)
  • Add helper Vector3 distance method with ref input but return result
  • Add profile events for drawing foliage and terrain (cpu events)
  • Add GetNodeByName and GetBoneByName to SkinnedModel
  • Add profile events support for DirectX 12 backend
  • Add queries support for DirectX 12 backend
  • Add improved Visject nodes connections updating when changing type of variable type node
  • Add Snap to ground feature for editor gizmo (with End key)
  • Add AlphaBlendMode to engine C# API and Mathf.InterpolateAlphaBlend
  • Add more value interpolation methods to Mathf library
  • Add IDrawable
  • Add explicit casting methods for Int2/3/4 structures to float vectors
  • Add error if material uses too many textures
  • Add Temporal Antialiasing support (preview)
  • Add jitter projection matrix support
  • Add anti-aliasing method option to PostFx Volume
  • Add Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing (SMAA) support
  • Add setter for Script.Actor for easy reparenting scripts
  • Add F, 1, 2, 3 shortcuts to Scene Tree window
  • Add support for zooming in Editor viewport with mouse scroll without pressing mouse
  • Add warning when user tries to add generic type script to the actor (not supported)
  • Increase Shader Resources binding limit to 32
  • Increase default Env Probe near plane to 10
  • Expand SkinnedModel C# API for editing skeleton from code (user can modify both nodes and bones hierarchy)
  • Refactor actors and other objects intersection methods to output hit normal vector
  • Optimize rigidbodies transformations synchronization
  • Focus scene search box on Ctrl+F
  • Optimize drawing shapes using DebugDraw
  • Implement serialization for all basic types in Visject Surface
  • Skip editor primitives when spawning item in viewport via drag and drop
  • Rename Flax.Build to Flax.BuildLogger
  • Disable restore windows layout button if no layouts are saved
  • Remove Input.ScanGamepads as engine will always automatically scan for gamepads change
  • Disable clamping screen space reflections color and use HDR format for resolve pass
  • Remove PostFxVolume.Center property
  • Show all assets in content window (even in-build flax types)
  • Refactor editor viewports View widget to use subcategory for showing things
  • Fix adding and rigidbodies and editing them right after (deferred adding queue was an issue)
  • Fix AddRelativeForce and AddRelativeTorque issues
  • Fix and improve PostFx volume editing via gizmo handles
  • Fix CapsuleCollider and CharacterController bounds drawing in debug view mode when using scale
  • Fix Control.Defocus when one of the children has focus
  • Fix showing context menu when it gets hidden on start
  • Fix using animation speed as param
  • Fix using custom postFx with inheritance for Render method
  • Fix showing decals in env probes
  • Fix SSAO artifacts near camera when using high radius
  • Fix handling fields in editor that are declared with readonly keyword
  • Fix C# scripts assembly reload crashes
  • Fix using all parameter types in Anim Graph
  • Fix infrequent directional light shadows issues
  • Fix importing with Restore Materials on Reimport option enabled
  • Fix CustomEditor values synchronization up on editing structure member
  • Fix Visject surface scroll when menu is opened
  • Fix creating terrain from heightmap/splatmap using format R11G11B10_Float
  • Fix Visject context menu highlights drawing when score mark is visible
  • Fix Actor.AddChild with worldPositionStays set to false
  • Fix game scripts caching when initial compilation fails
  • Fix directional light shadows on distance from world origin
  • Fix clamping character controller Contact Offset if set to 0
  • Fix invoking DebugDraw for scripts attached to Scene actor
  • Fix removing state machine state (break incoming transitions)
  • Fix texture mipmaps generation if texture uses alpha channel
  • Fix PhysX crash when using negative scale on terrain
  • Fix importing sRGB textures
  • Fix using renderer cache for scene rendering during nested scene rendering
  • Fix calling OnDisable on unlinking script from actor and OnEnable when link it back
  • Fix crash when calling Destory on script during Start/Awake events
  • Fix scrolling debug logs if none is visible on adding (eg. due to filtering)
  • Fix UICanvas Enable/Disable events handling
  • Fix opening files in Visual Studio (use proper view kind option and use project items search)
  • Fix changing enum value to one of the subflags (eg. chaneg actor static flag from FullyStatic to Transform only)
  • Fix preserving selected objects on play mode enter/exit in Editor
  • Fix materials constant buffer binding (skip if not used)
  • Fix game hiccups when scanning for gamepads update on Windows platform (it is done in a background now to prevent game logic stalls)
  • Fix SSR when UseColorBufferMips is disabled
  • Fix ScreenSize node in GUI material to return valid viewport dimensions
  • Fix crash on play mode start when CSG brush was attached to rigidbody