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Flemmli97 edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 19 revisions

List of commands Flan offers in form of /flan :

Command Description
help <page> | (cmd <command>) Shows all available commands or info for the given command
menu When standing in a claim you have permissions for opens the claim menu
info Prints infos about the claim you're standing in
delete Deletes the current claim
deleteAll Deletes all your claims (you need to double type to confirm it so no accidents)
deleteSubClaim Deletes the current subclaim
deleteAllSubClaims Deletes all subclaim of the current claim
list Lists all claims you have. if op also gives ability to list other players claims
switchMode Switch between normal and subclaim mode
group add|remove <name> Adds/removes the group with that name. Also editable via the claim menu.
group players add|remove <player> [overwrite] Adds/remove a player to the group. if overwrite then will overwrite the players current group else does nothing. Also editable via the claim menu.
transferClaim <player> Gives ownership of the claim to the specified player. only works if you're the claim owner
add <x y z> <x y z> Creates a claim with the given positions. same as using the claim tool
permission {global | (group <name>) | (personal <name>)} true | false | default Sets global/group/personal permissions. Also editable via the claim menu (for group perm right click on the group in the menu)
personalGroups Opens the gui to edit personal groups
sell <amount> Sells claimblocks
buy <amount> Buys claimblocks
trapped If in a claim not owned by the player attempts to teleport the player out of it after 5 seconds
unlockDrops Unlocks dropped items from death so other players can pick them up too
setHome Standing in a claim with sufficient permission sets that claims home to the players position
teleport self | admin | (other <player>) (<claim name> | <claim uuid>) Teleport to the given claims home position. Use admin to teleport to admin claims
name self Sets the current claims name

Admincommands (in form /flan too):

Command Description
reload Reloads the config ingame
bypass Switches to admin mode ignoring all claims
readGriefPrevention Parses data from the GriefPrevention plugin to Flan
setAdminClaim Sets a claim to an admin claim
listAdminClaims Lists all admin claims in the current world
adminDelete [all <player>] Force deletes the current claim or deletes all claims from the specified player
giveClaimBlocks <amount> Gives a player additional claim blocks
addClaim <x y z> <x y z> <player|+Admin> Creates a claim with the given positions in the given dimension for the player or as admin claim
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