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FlexBE Behavior Engine

FlexBE is a high-level behavior engine coordinating the capabilities of a robot in order to solve complex tasks. Behaviors are modeled as hierarchical state machines (HFSM) where states correspond to active actions and transitions describe the reaction to outcomes.

The main advantage of FlexBE over similar approaches is the good operator integration and an intuitive user interface. Besides executing behaviors in full autonomy, the operator can restrict execution of certain transitions or trigger them manually. Furthermore, FlexBE supports modifying the whole structure of a behavior during its execution without restarting it. The user interface features a runtime control interface as well as a graphical editor for state machines.

Please refer to the FlexBE Homepage ( for further information, tutorials, application examples, and much more.

You may also want to check out the quick start tutorial demonstrations at FlexBE Turtlesim Demo.


Jazzy ROS Build Farm

Rolling ROS Build Farm

Note: This version 4+ breaks compatibility with the FlexBE App. You must use the FlexBE WebUI flexbe_webui now.


For released versions, FlexBE is available as apt install package ros-<DISTRO>-flexbe-*

To build from source, execute the following commands to install FlexBE for ROS 2 systems:

cd "ros2_ws"/src

git clone

Next, navigate to the "ros2_ws" top-level directory and build FlexBE:

colcon build

Creating new FlexBE Behavior packages

To begin, create your own repository for behavior development in the ${WORKSPACE_ROOT}/src folder:

ros2 run flexbe_widget create_repo [your_project_name] <meta_package_name> <--non-interactive>

This will clone a project template (requires internet access) that contains examples and proper package definitions, and create the ROS 2 package structure and three subfolders.

For example, running

ros2 run flexbe_widget create_repo my_project my_flexbe_project

from the ${WORKSPACE_ROOT}/src folder will create:

  • ${WORKSPACE_ROOT}/src/my_flexbe_project
  • ${WORKSPACE_ROOT}/src/my_flexbe_project/my_flexbe_project - the ROS meta package
  • ${WORKSPACE_ROOT}/src/my_flexbe_project/my_project_flexbe_behaviors
  • ${WORKSPACE_ROOT}/src/my_flexbe_project/my_project_flexbe_states

These are intended to contain your custom FlexBE state implementations and HFSM-based behaviors.

This release of the FlexBE Behavior Engine requires version 4.1+ of the FlexBE UI. This breaks compatibility with the older FlexBE App and now requires use of the FlexBE WebUI tool.

It is recommended to install the FlexBE WebUI user interface:

FlexBE WebUI - Python-based webserver version


Use the following launch file for running the onboard engine:

ros2 launch flexbe_onboard

Use the following launch file for running the operator control station (requires the FlexBE App or WebUI):

ros2 launch flexbe_webui

During testing is is recommended to start the base nodes and the UI client separately:

ros2 launch flexbe_webui headless:=True

ros2 run flexbe_webui webui_client

See the flexbe_webui README for more details.

Use the following launch file to run the entire FlexBE system, both onboard and OCS, e.g., for testing on a single computer:

ros2 launch flexbe_webui

For running tests use:

colcon test --ctest-args --packages-select <flexbe_package>

Next Steps


Please use the following publications for reference when using FlexBE:

Further Publications

Refer to the following publications to get an impression about ways to use FlexBE. Let us know if you know a paper which should be added to the list.
