Start accepting Bitcoin today with BTCPay Server! This guide will walk you through the installation.
While our instructions cover how to install BTCPayServer in one click on Azure or Lunanode, BTCPay Server is not limited to those options.
You will find below information about how you can install BTCPay Server easily in any environment having docker available.
As you can see, BTCPay depends on several pieces of infrastructure, mainly:
- A lightweight block explorer (NBXplorer),
- A database (PostgreSQL),
- A full node (eg. Bitcoin Core)
There can be more dependencies if you support more than just standard Bitcoin transactions, including:
- Core Lightning (CLN)
- LitecoinD and other coin daemons
- And more...
Note: The setup process can be time consuming, but is heavily automated to make it a fun and easy experience.
Take a look at how BTCPay works in a video below.
Here is a presentation of the global architecture at Advancing Bitcoin conference.
You can also install BTCPay Server on your own machine or VPS instance.
The officially supported setup is driven by Helm.
- minikube
- helm
- docker
- kubectl
The first time you run this application make sure you start minikube:
minikube start
To build the dependency run:
helm dependency build
To run the project locally simply run:
helm install btcpayserver btcpayserver -f btcpayserver/values-regtest.yaml --namespace regtest
To delete the project run:
helm delete btcpayserver --namespace regtest
To deploy the project create a kubeconfig file then run:
helm --kubeconfig=./path-to-kubeconfig.yaml install btcpayserver btcpayserver -f btcpayserver/values-regtest.yaml --namespace regtest
View the pods, services and the persistence volume claim by running
kubectl get po, svc, pvc --namespace regtest
There are 3 different environments:
- regtest
- testnet
- mainnet
Currently the only environment that isn't being supported is mainnet
Enable LoadBalaning on minikube run
minikube tunnel
Get the EXTERNAL-IP for btcpayserver-nginx
kubectl get svc
orkubectl get svc
You should beable to login by grabbing the ip address from the following command and going to the site. The command should print out something that looks like
curl "http://$(kubectl get svc --namespace regtest | grep "23002" | awk '{print$3}'):23002/login"
To access the kuberenetes dashboard locally follow the steps above but instead go to dashboard
echo "http://$(kubectl get svc | grep btcpayserver-nginx | awk '{print $3}')/dashboard"
chromium-browser "http://$(kubectl get svc --namespace regtest | grep "23002" | awk '{print$3}'):23002/login"
kubectl --kubeconfig=../k8-btcpayserver-kubeconfig.yaml --namespace=testnet port-forward service/btcpayserver 23002:23002
apt update -y
apt upgrade -y
apt install curl -y
apt install jq -y
export address='addr(bcrt1ppjj995khlhftanw7ak4zyzu3650rlmpfr9p4tafegw3u38h7vx4qnxemeg)'
export descriptor='addr(bcrt1ppjj995khlhftanw7ak4zyzu3650rlmpfr9p4tafegw3u38h7vx4qnxemeg)#hzc3j2sf'
export user=ceiwHEbqWI83
export password=XB62kURh0JUTOhIpC-WV7X6m4jGuVvwsyQV4m_EP9C4=
export url=btcpayserver-bitcoin-core-0:43782
curl --user $user:$password \
--data-binary "{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", \"method\": \"getdescriptorinfo\", \"params\": [\"$address\"]}" \
-H 'content-type: text/plain;' \
$url | jq
curl --user $user:$password --data-binary "{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", \"method\": \"createwallet\", \"params\": [\"my_wallet\", true, false,\"\",false,true,true]}" -H 'content-type: text/plain;' $url | jq
curl --user $user:$password --data-binary "{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", \"method\": \"importdescriptors\", \"params\": [[{\"desc\":\"$descriptor\",\"timestamp\":\"now\"}]]}" -H 'content-type: text/plain;' $url | jq
curl --user $user:$password --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", \"method\": \"generatetodescriptor\", \"params\": '[50, $descriptor]'}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' $url | jq
curl --user $user:$password \
--data-binary "{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", \"method\": \"generatetodescriptor\", \"params\": [150, \"$descriptor\"]}" \
-H 'content-type: text/plain;' \
$url | jq
kubectl --kubeconfig=../k8-btcpayserver-kubeconfig.yaml --validate=false apply -f
kubectl --kubeconfig=../k8-btcpayserver-kubeconfig.yaml -n testnet apply -f