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Releases: FredHutch/diy-cromwell-server

Allow non AWS user

02 Apr 01:51
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Allows users who do not have AWS credentials.

Docker walltime repair

21 Jan 19:57
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Repairs issue where when using docker the wall time param was not specified right.

Also changes the cromwell submit script to be version-specific to allow more visibility for users.

Update to Cromwell 73 and allow for dockerSL

19 Jan 20:41
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This version updates Cromwell to version 73, and also allows for a custom Hutch runtime parameter "dockerSL". This allows users to use, on our on-prem compute cluster, softlinks within the Cromwell Scratch location, even with the use of docker containers. Do not use "dockerSL" as a runtime parameter without talking to Amy first about its implications. It has them. It's a hack plain and simple. But a valuable hack when one is using files >20GB or so, and if used wisely can still create workflows that ARE still portable to other systems (they will just require file copies more when run elsewhere than when Fred Hutch folks use them).

Begin tethering to github releases

19 Jan 20:22
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This change will result in users needing to update their local copy of when they want to use an updated version of the Fred Hutch Cromwell server configuration. This will allow for new features and updates to be rolled out and users to choose whether they want to update or not simply by grabbing that release's version of