- GuiCommand: Name:Curves Pipeshell MenuLocation:Surfaces → Pipeshell Workbenches:Curves
The Curves Pipeshell creates a Pipeshell sweep object. This tool is part of the external workbench called Curves.
- Switch to the Curves workbench (install from Addon Manager is necessary, if not previously installed)
- Select the edge that builds the sweep path in the 3D view
- Select one or more required profiles in the Tree view
- To invoke the command, do one of the following:
- Press the Creates a Pipeshell sweep object button in the tool bar
- Use the Surfaces → Pipeshell
- Change the
parameter to the required conditions
Placement: Placement is the location and orientation of an object in space.
Label: User name of the object in the Tree view.
Mode: Default is Frenet. Mode is used to select the sweeping algorithm. Choices: Frenet, DiscreteTrihedron, FixedTrihetron, Binormal, ShapeSupport, AuxiliarySpine.
Output: Default is Surface. Output determines the shape of the object. Choices: Surface, Sections, Lofted Sections.
Profile: List of the used profiles.
Equi Curvi:
Max Degree:
Max Segments:
Solid: Default is False
Tol3d: Default is 0.00.
Tol Ang: Default is 0.00.
Tol Bound: Default is 0.00.
Pipeshellneeds a wire object (as the sweep path), and at least one Pipeshell Profile.
The two tools Pipeshell and Pipeshell Profile work together as an "Advanced" Sweep tool.
{{Curves Tools navi}}
documentation index > Curves Pipeshell