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  • GuiCommand: Name:SheetMetal AddWall MenuLocation:SheetMetal → Make Wall Workbenches:SheetMetal Shortcut:W

SheetMetal AddWall


The SheetMetal AddWall command creates a bend on a selected edge.


To add a Bend:

  1. Switch to the SheetMetal Workbench.
  2. Start with a base plate or sheet, select one or more edges to receive a bend.
  3. Click on the Make Wall tool to add a wall.


: To create a base plate use a closed 2D outline - preferably a Sketch - with the Make Base Wall command. Alternatively you can generate a base plate with one of the following methods as well:

:* Method 1: Part Cube

:* Method 2: An extruded solid made with Part Extrude from either a:

::* Draft Rectangle or a

::* Draft Wire or a

::* Sketch

::* Use Part Thickness to create shell (Typically with the thickness value of the sheet metal.)

:* Method 3: PartDesign Body containing either an

::* additive box or a

::* PartDesign Pad made from a Sketch.

::* Use PartDesign Thickness to create shell (Typically with the thickness value of the sheet metal.)


:   If you start with a <img alt="" src=images/PartDesign_Body.svg  style="width:24px;"> PartDesign Body, you can mix Sheet Metal features with PartDesign features such as <img alt="" src=images/PartDesign_Pocket.svg  style="width:24px;"> [pockets]( or <img alt="" src=images/PartDesign_Hole.svg  style="width:24px;"> [holes](


See also: Property editor.

A SheetMetal Bend object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties and its label has a default value:



  • Label|String: Default value: The user editable name of this object, it may be any arbitrary UTF8 string.

  • Base Feature|Link|hidden: Base Feature. Link to the parent feature.

  • _Body|LinkHidden|hidden: Hidden link to the parent body.


  • Bend Type|Enumeration: "Bend Type". {{value|Material Outside}} (default), {{value|Material Inside}}, {{value|Thickness Outside}}, {{value|Offset}}.

  • angle|Angle: "Bend Angle". Default angle: {{value|90,00°}}.

  • base Object|LinkSub: "Base Object". Link to the planar face to receive a bend.

  • gap1|Distance: "Gap from Left side". Default: {{value|0,00 mm}}.

  • gap2|Distance: "Gap from Right side". Default: {{value|0,00 mm}}.

  • invert|Bool: "Invert Bend Direction". Default: False.

  • length|Length: "Length of Wall". Default: {{value|10,00 mm}}.

  • radius|Length: "Bend Radius". Default: {{value|1,00 mm}}.

{{Properties_Title|Parameters Ex}}

  • Auto Miter|Bool: "Enable Auto Miter". Default: True.

  • extend1|Distance: "Extend from Left Side". Default: {{value|0,00 mm}}.

  • extend2|Distance: "Extend from Right Side". Default: {{value|0,00 mm}}.

  • kfactor|FloatConstraint: "Location of Neutral Line. Caution: Using ANSI standards, not DIN.". Default: {{value|0,50}}. K factor (also known as neutral factor) for the bend. Used to calculate bend allowance when unfolding.

  • max Extend Dist|Length: "Auto Miter maximum Extend Distance". Default: {{value|5,00 mm}}.

  • min Gap|Length: "Auto Miter Minimum Gap". Default: {{value|5,00 mm}}.

  • miterangle1|Angle: "Bend Miter Angle from Left Side". Default angle: {{value|0,00°}}.

  • miterangle2|Angle: "Bend Miter Angle from Right Side". Default angle: {{value|0,00°}}.

  • offset|Distance: "Offset Bend". Default: {{value|0,00 mm}}.

  • unfold|Bool: "Shows Unfold View of Current Bend". Default: True unfolds the bend.

{{Properties_Title|Parameters Ex2}}

  • Sketch|Link: "Sketch Object".

  • sketchflip|Bool: "Flip Sketch Direction". Default: False.

  • sketchinvert|Bool: "Invert Sketch Start". Default: False.

{{Properties_Title|Parameters Ex3}}

  • Length List|FloatList: "Length of Wall List". Default: {{value|[10,00]}}.

  • bend AList|FloatList: "Bend Angle List". Default: {{value|[90,00]}}.

{{Properties_Title|Parameters Relief}}

  • Relief Factor|Float: "Relief Factor". Default: {{value|0,70}}.

  • Use Relief Factor|Bool: "Use Relief Factor". Default: False.

  • min Relief Gap|Length: "Minimum Gap to Relief Cut". Default: {{value|1,00 mm}}.

  • relief Type|Enumeration: "Relief Type". {{value|Rectangle}} (default), {{value|Round}}. Enabled only when a gap value is set.

  • reliefd|Length: "Relief Depth". Default: {{value|1,00 mm}}. Enabled only when a gap value is set.

  • reliefw|Length: "Relief Width". Default: {{value|0,80 mm}}. Enabled only when a gap value is set.


*A simple tray*


This tray is made of a rectangular blank with walls added to its outline edges. And so one outline sketch for the blank has to be prepared in advance.

*Just a rectangular outline*


  1. Create a blank
    1. Select the outline sketch
    2. Press the or use the keyboard shortcut: (The blank is padded in z direction
  2. Add walls to the outline edges
    1. Select the blank's outline edges
    2. Press the or use the keyboard shortcut:
    3. If the fold is 90° down set the value of invert property to true to reverse the direction (and length to a lower value for smaller walls)
  3. Add some more walls
    1. Select the tray's upper outside edges
    2. Press the or use the keyboard shortcut:
    3. The walls are a bit too long (but nicely trimmed) and so the length property has to be set to a lower value
    4. If you like the folds swing outward set the invert value to true


Category:SheetMetal Category:Addons Category:External Command Reference

documentation index > SheetMetal > SheetMetal AddWall