- GuiCommand: Name:Sketcher ConstrainDiameter MenuLocation:Sketch → Sketcher constraints → Constrain diameter Workbenches:Sketcher SeeAlso:Sketcher Constrain distance, Sketcher Constrain horizontal distance, Sketcher Constrain vertical distance Version:0.18
This constraint constrains the value of the diameter of a circle or arc to have a specific value. If more than one circle or arc is selected before launching the command :
- If the constrain is applied in 'Reference' mode, a new reference constrain is added to each object separately according above rules
- If the constrain is applied in 'Normal' (driving) mode, following rules are applied
A reference constrain is applied separately on each object which is an external geometry
are applied sequentially between all real/construction geometry objects and a dimensional constrain is applied to the first selected object according above rules
NB : B-spline poles can't be mixed with other object type in the selection
- Pick one or more circles or arcs.
- Press the Constrain diameter button.
- A pop up dialog opens to edit or confirm the value. Press OK to validate. In case multiple circles/arcs were selected, all constraints will adopt this value. Edit their separate values by double-clicking on the dimension label in the 3D view; or in the Constraints list, double-click on the constraint or right-click and select Change value.
- Optionally the dimension label and line can be moved and rotated in the 3D view by clicking on the value and dragging while keeping the left mouse button pressed.
Note: the constraint tool can also be started with no prior selection. By default the command will be in continue mode to create new constraints; press the right mouse button or Esc once to quit the command.
The Sketcher scripting page explains the values which can be used for ArcOrCircle
, and contains further examples on how to create constraints from Python scripts.
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