- GuiCommand: Name:Sketcher CreateArcOfHyperbola MenuLocation:Sketch → Sketcher geometries → Create an arc of hyperbola Workbenches:Sketcher Version:0.17 SeeAlso:Sketcher Arc of Ellipse, Sketcher Arc of Parabola
This tool creates an arc of hyperbola by center, major radius and endpoints.
- Press the Arc of Hyperbola button.
- Click in the 3D view to define the major radius center (labelled 1 in the picture above).
- Click in the 3D view to define the major radius length, which is also the tip of the arc of hyperbola (labelled 2 in the picture above).
- Move the mouse away from the two last selected points to see how the arc will look like. Click again when the approximate desired curvature is shown. This point will define the first end point (labelled 3 in the picture above).
- Click a fourth time in the 3D view to define the other end point (labelled 4 in the picture above).
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