- GuiCommand: Name:Sketcher ReorientSketch MenuLocation:Sketch → Reorient sketch Workbenches:Sketcher, PartDesign SeeAlso:Sketcher Map sketch, Sketcher New Sketch
Allows you to detach a sketch from a face and attach it to one of the main planes (with an offset).
- Select the sketch to be re-oriented in the tree-view
- Choose Sketch → Reorient sketch from the top menu.
- A menu will pop up and ask you if you want to detach the sketch from its face
- Selecting Yes will give you the same menu as in Sketch → New Sketch.
- You can attach the sketch to one of the main planes
- You also have the possibility to add a positive or negative offset
- When selecting Cancel in the second menu the sketch is simply detached from its face.
- As long as no sketch is selected, the command is greyed out.
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documentation index > Sketcher > Sketcher ReorientSketch